Future Matt x child reader part one

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Your Pov:

"M-matt? C-can we play a bit?", you asked quietly and tugged at his sleeve. Matt was lying on his bed, looking in one of his mirrors and admiring himself. "T-tom and Tord are fighting again, a-and I don't know..." He didn't turn around and continued staring at his reflection, looking very happy. "I am scared, Matt. What if...what if they hurt each other? Like last time?"

You remembered the last time they had fought so bad and shivered with fear. Tom had to go to the hospital because of a broken nose and Edd had to tell you hundreds of times that he wouldn't die. You knew you had overreacted, but it always scared you when they fought. It reminded you of things you didn't want to remember.

"Not now, Y/N. Please leave me alone, I am not finished yet", he muttered and smiled at his reflection. "You look good today, handsome!", he whispered. "I love how you made your hair!" You rolled your eyes. Was that really all he cared about?

"But you are only looking at your reflection! You can't 'finish' it! Why don't you play with me? I promise I won't annoy you for the rest of the day! But please don't ignore me!", you replied, but he didn't even react. You sighed and left his room. Why couldn't he play with you? Was it really that important to him to look at his face all the time?

You walked down the stairs and saw Tom and Tord were on the couch, fighting over the remote and trying to punch each other's faces. "Give me the fucking remote, commie! 'The cats' is on TV now and I want to watch it!"

"And I want to watch some animes, asshole!", Tord hissed.

"There are kids in the house!", Tom yelled and grabbed the remote out of his enemy's hand who immediately kicked him in the stomach.

"Only ONE kid", Tord said, rolling his eyes. "Learn how to count, Tom."

"Do you know the mental age of our friends?", Tom asked, jumped back on his feet and pushed Tord against the wall.

You knew it was completely useless to try to end the fight they had, you were just a small child and they wouldn't listen to you because of your young age. They wouldn't even listen to Edd telling them to stop, well, at least not every time. Sometimes you felt like they didn't care enough for you to actually behave in front of you.

You decided to ignore them and walk in your room to play with the toys they had bought you. You grabbed one of your favourite toys, a small f/c robot Tord had given to you, and started playing with it. Suddenly a light flashed through the room and some sort of portal appeared in your room. You jumped on your feet and walked backwards until you touched the wall. Then you saw a tall figure coming out of that portal and gasped. "H-how...", you whispered.

Future Matt's Pov:

When I walked out of the portal I immediately saw and recognised the kid in front of me. It had been so many years since I saw him/her the last time. Had he/she really been that small?

Y/N stared at me while opening and closing his/her mouth a few times. It was kind of amusing to watch it.

"Y-you are not...why d-do you...how...?", the kid stuttered.

I knew what questions Y/N wanted to be answered. "I am Matt. Not your Matt, obviously. I come from the future. It's not important which year and please don't ask anything about the future, you are not going to like it."

"Oh, so that's why you have these things." He/She pointed on the robot eye and chin on my face and I growled as a response. I still wasn't comfortable with me looking like that. It was better than looking old, of course, but I still hated them. I wasn't constantly whining about my face looking ugly like this, like I did when I saw what they had done to 'repair' it, but that didn't mean I came to peace with my new looks.

"Could you please not remind me", I responded annoyed.

"Sorry." We were both silent for a minute and listened to another fight of Tom and Tord. I really missed the days in which Tord hadn't been Red Leader and hadn't tried to make us his soldiers by breaking us. "Matt, why are you here?"

"What do you mean?", I asked and started sweating. I didn't like the question. I didn't know how he/she would take it if he/she found it out.

"You aren't here for fun, are you?", the boy/girl questioned. I wasn't, but Red Leader didn't even know I was here, unlike the rest of my time travel missions. It could cost my life, but it was worth it although I didn't know if my past self would even listen.

"Let's just say I have to talk to my past self...about something very important", I replied. Changing past events was something Tord told us never to do, but I had to. I walked to the door and wanted to open it, but then I looked back. Y/N was staring at the ground, a sad expression on his/her face. "Everything...okay?"

"You never have time for me...it's always about yourself", he/she muttered.

I looked at him/her, speechless. Was that really what he/she thought? I couldn't blame Y/N though. The kid was right. Back then I was a narcissistic idiot doing nothing more than looking into a mirror and whining if something happened to my face. I was still narcissistic, but not as much as I used to be.

I sighed and smiled at him/her. "Alright then, let's play a bit, shall we?"

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