Monster Tom x sick child reader

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Your Pov:

You ran in Edd's room, crying a little bit and almost falling over a hoodie which was laying on the ground because you felt so dizzy. "Eddie, Eddie!"

Edd sat at his desk drawing some pictures. "Y/N, what's wrong?", He asked worried. "Is Tom drunk? Or is Matt dating one of his mirrors again?"

You gave him a puzzled look. "N-no...?" 

"Then why are you crying?", he asked.

"I c-can't find m-my teddy bear", you sniffed.

Edd looked at you. "Maybe Matt has it. Why don't you ask him?"

"O-okay", you answered, wiping away the tears, and ran to Matt in the living room. He was sitting on the couch watching that TV show, the Children, and was eating some popcorn.

"Matty, have you seen my t-teddy bear?", You questioned.

"Er..." He looked in the air, thinking for a while. "Um...Yeah, I found it in the bathroom. Here." He pulled your teddy bear out of his hoodie pocket and gave it to you.

"Thanks, Matty!", You replied and smiled, but suddenly you felt very weak.

"Are you okay, Y/N? You look a bit pale", Matt said.

"J-Just feel a bit dizzy", you answered and walked to the door, but you went over on your ankle.

"Y/N?!", Matt shouted.

Edd entered the room. Now he was here you saw he looked really tired because he had to stay up the whole night to finish his drawing for the drawing challenge he and that Eduardo-guy next door were doing.

"What's going on?", Eddie asked when he saw you laying on the ground.

"Y/N IS DYING!", Matt screamed. "IT'S SO TRAGIC!"

Edd stared at him. "What...?" Then he looked at you. "That's exaggerated, right?"

You nodded. "I am...just feeling dizzy and...weak."

Edd put his hand on your head to feel your temperature. "You are definitely sick, Y/N!"

"Oh, you are just sick? I thought you would die!", Matt mumbled.

Edd glared at him and growled "You won't do that ever again!" Then he looked at you. "It's a bad time for you getting sick, Y/N. We wanted to go to Eduardo for the challenge now", Edd said. "We need to go there or else he will call us meaner names than just 'losers'." He sighed. "But can we leave you here? You hate to be alone."

"Tom doesn't feel so well, too, and wants to stay here. Maybe he can take care of him/her as long as we aren't here", Matt replied. Yay, Tommy would take care of you! You really liked him.

"That's a great idea!", Edd smiled. He took your hand and went to Tom's room with you. His door was closed and there was written down 'Keep out!' on a paper. Why did Tom do that?

"Tommy?", you asked shyly.

"Tom, could you please take care of Y/N?", Edd questioned.

There was only a strange moaning coming from inside.

"I will take that as a yes", Edd muttered. "If he doesn't come out just go in there. He might be pissed then, but you know what kind of person he is. And if he tries to drink you know what to do." In these moments you asked yourself who was the adult here...

Tom's Pov:

My whole body hurt. I really hated transforming into that monster, but I couldn't stop it. I never transformed by choice, but at least I could see the signs hours or minutes before. Well, sometimes like today.

"Tommy?", I heard Y/N ask from outside my room.

Then Edd said something, but I couldn't hear it because my clothes diloricated this moment.

Just leave. It's better for everyone if you don't find my secret out. Just go to our stupid neighbours and come back when I am myself again and not in my monster form , I thought and moaned in pain.

A few minutes later I heard the front door closing. They were finally gone! I grabbed a mirror, which actually belonged to Matt, with one of my claws, although I had some problems to hold it.

The good thing was I was taller than before, but that was the only good thing to say about the monster form.

My eyes had melted together and my skin was as purple as Matt's hoodie. When I opened my mouth I also saw sharp teeth. And the worst thing was that tale. It really annoyed me to have a tail which wagged like a dog's tail and I tried to push it away.

At least nobody is here...

Then I heard somebody tap at my door. "Tommy?" Y/N was still here?! Why?! He/She should be with Edd and Matt at Eduardo's house for that drawing challenge!

"Tommy, can I come in?", he/she asked. "I don't want to be alone."

I would have said "No, Y/N, you can't come in! I am busy and don't have any time for you!", but I couldn't talk while I was a monster. The only noise I could make was a scared whimper. Who knew how he/she would react if he/she saw me? Freak out and call the police? Y/N was just a kid after all.

"Okay, I'm just coming in." The door opened and Y/N entered the room. And saw me. It was not the best moment of my life. A kid looking at me, a monster in my room, but not knowing I was Tom. Of course I could go closer to him/her and try to communicate, but there was a big chance it would only make it worse.

Her eyes dilated. "W-what's going on?!", He/She screamed and stared at me. "Where is Tommy?!" The kid's eyes filled with tears. Then he/she noticed the diloricated hoodie on the ground and looked back at me. "Wait... You are...T-tommy...?"

I nodded. It was something I could still do, even in that form. The kid stood there in shook. "But how?" He/She realised soon I couldn't answer and sighed.

Then Y/N walked closer and sat next to me. " transform into a monster sometimes... Do Eddie and Mattie know?" I shook my head. "Oh, okay." There was a silence for a while.

After a few minutes he/she rubbed his/her eyes and yawned. I went closer to him/her so he/she could abut on me.

"You might look scary, but I know you would never hurt me", the boy/girl said, smiling and huddling up against me. "And don't worry, I won't tell them about your transformation into a monster. It's our secret." He/She giggled.

Two hours later Matt and Edd found us here. Luckily I had transformed back into a human before they arrived and Y/N had fallen asleep.

"Er...Tom, you do know Y/N is sick, right?"

I think you know what happened the next day...

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