Future Matt x child reader part two

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Your Pov:

You enjoyed every second you spent with this older version of Matt, but you asked yourself all the time why he even wanted to talk to his past self. Why hadn't he thought about just spending time with you instead? What was so important that he had to travel back in time to talk to your Matt?

You just couldn't get this questions out of your mind, no matter how hard you tried. He noticed you were thinking about it after a while, but didn't say anything until you were playing a card game you played very often and confused the rules with the ones from another one.

"Y/N, you don't need to worry." It came so suddenly that he caught you completely off-guard and you almost dropped your cards in your hand.

"Matt, I am... I am not worried," you replied, peeking over the cards. "So there's no need to tell me."

"Yes, you are. You always make that expression when you are worried," he said, chuckling, and put his cards on his left side. "You can't lie to me, Y/N. I might not have played with you very often, but I can tell what your facial expression means."

You sighed. "I am not worried, just...thinking. I wanna know so badly what you have to tell my Matt."

" 'Your' Matt?", he repeated with a smirk. "I am sorry, but I am not something that belongs to someone."

"You know what I mean! You're not from this time line, but he is! The other you!"

"I'm just messing with you", he replied, laughing, while you pouted, crossing your arms.

Suddenly you heard loud yelling downstairs. Tom and Tord had either started to fight again or they had just started to fight much more intense, which seemed more logically. You whined, dropped the cards and hugged Matt tightly, which surprised him.

"Y-Y/N? Why are you- I do like it, but..."

"I'm scared..." you muttered, holding back your tears. "I...I don't want them to hurt each other again... like last time."

He petted your head. "Don't worry. Everything's gonna be alright... Everything's gonna be just fine, I promise." Then he glanced at your cards on the ground. "Would you look at that! You would have had a chance to beat me and you didn't take it!"

"Matt! This is serious!" you said.

"You do realise I am not a very serious person, right? I am trying to become one, but... hehe, you know how I am. Anyway, I think it's time for me to talk to my past self." He stood up and walked to your door.

"Aren't you worried Tom and Tord will see you?" you asked.

He smiled at you. "I don't think they will see me. And even if they'll do, they won't look at me twice and realise I'm not...well, 'their' Matt."

"D-do you promise me to come back?"

He looked at you for a second. "...sure. Um... Just promise me thst you won't suddenly disappear, okay?"

You were a bit confused but still nodded and he gave you a last smile before he opened the door and stepped outside. Some part of you was curious and wanted to follow him to listen to their conversation, but something inside you made you not do it.

Present Matt's Pov:

I was still lying on my bed and admired my reflection when the door opened all of the sudden. I didn't even bother to look there.  It was probably Y/N again.

"Go away! I don't want you here, Y/N. Stop bothering me," I muttered and made a gesture so I'd be left alone l

"You shouldn't say that, you might regret it some day... At least that's what I experienced..." someone said quietly. I...knew this voice...

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