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The six begun to walk to the lockers showing the new VKs where they can put their things. Carlos kept a close eye on them espically his cousin. He knew all of his tricks partly because he played them all on him. Along they way they passed Mal, Evie, Chad, Jane, Doug,and Jay.

"Hey guys meet the new VKs Harry, Gil, Uma, and Diego." Ben said happy as could be. Carlos knew that his heart was in the right place but his mind not as much.

"Um Ben can I talk to you real quick...alone." Evie said pulling Ben aside around the corners.

" Ben I don't think bringing them here was a good idea."Evie said while looking around to see if any one could see or hear them talking.

"Look I know that more VKs will be a little strange at first but..." the king said before he was cut off by the blue haired girl

"What? No Ben that's not what I meant. I meant bringing Harry and Diego Here was a bad idea." the daughter of the Evil Queen said.

"What ? Why ?" The king asked lowering his voice to a calm whisper.

"Because Harry and Carlos dated before." Evie told him

Ben was a little suprized by what he just heard. Why didn't Carlos tell Ben about him and Harry before ? Did he forget or did he just not care enough not to tell him. He was a little hurt, but he knew that everyone had a past...everyone. So he just shrugged it off maybe it was a touchy subject for Carlos. So Ben just let it go as best he could.

"What about Diego." asked Ben

Evie waited a little bit before answering the king.

"Because Carlos doesn't know about...um...I dont know how to tell you this with out it effecting your and Carlos's relationship." the blue haired teen told the king while twirling her hair around her figures.

"Try me" Ben told her, folding his arms getting just a little annoyed.

Evie took a long, deep breath before answering the king.

"Well Diego knows somethings about Carlos even Carlos doesn't know about." Evie said trying to keep calm.

"What are those few thing Evie." the king asked her starting to get a little scared and annoyed at the same time.

"Well he knows who his father is, and Carlos's dark power." Evie said whispering into the king's ear.

Diego know who Carlos's dad is who was he, why did he leave Carlos. And what "dark power" did Carlos have. Ben had a lot of questions but before he could ask any of them he heard a voice come around he corner.

"Ben, Evie is everything ok?" Carlos asked.

Ben got ready to ask but was cut off by Evie.

"Yep everything is fine." Evie said putting on a fake smile.

Ben didn't question it he knew that he had to play along but what? What was so bad about Carlos having powers and finding out about his father. It didn't make any sense tie the king but if the others believed that it was for the best then he would do it, for Carlos.

After Ben and Evie were done having their little chat they finally joined back up with the others.

Harry Hook was quick to make things feel even more unprofitable for the group. He had walked up to Artie and grabbed his hand.

"Well hello there, so nice to meet you names Harry and just who might you be ?" asked the pirate while kissing Artie's hand

"My names Artie son of king Arthur, who are ?" Artie asked not making things any better.

"Well beautiful walk with me and I'll tell you." Harry said wrapping his arm around Artie's neck

"I would love to but I have class, oh here." Artie said takeing out a small black pen. The prince grabbed ahold of Harry's with out a hook and wrote a number down.

"This is my dorm room number, come by later tonight and you can tell me all about who you are." Artie said as he winked at the pirate and then trailing off to his next class.

"Harry come on man really ?" Uma said looking annoyed at what just happened.

"Sorry everyone but I had to, when I saw that beautiful certure walking right to me." the pirate said trying to be charming.

The white haired teen nudged the king with his elbow trying to move things along.

"Alright everyone right this way and we'll show you where your guys dorm rooms are at." Ben said trying to change the subject before they were to into the unprofitable conversation.

Carlos and Ben turned their ducks on the villains and started to walk down an empty hallway. Carlos wanted to look behind him to see how the new villains were doing. When he looked over his shoulder he was met with a mean look from his cousin, a taunting little blown kiss from his ex, Gil cracked his knuckles at him, and the pirate caption rolling her eyes. The younger teen looked away quickly when he had accidentally made eye contact with Harry. The king looked down to see his beloved in distress. He slowly lifted up the younger boys hand and brought it to his lips. Carlos was a little startled when he felt something grab his hand. But when he saw Ben kissing the top of his hand he hugged him tight. Once again listening to his heartbeat this time it was a little faster than normal. He hugged the king tighter listening to his heartbeat the hole time. To begun to.slow down to a more normal or at least close to normal speed. They finally got to the dorm rooms that the new VKs were going to be staying in.

"Ok Harry and Diego will be in here." said Ben smiling Carlos was smiling to but for a different reason. The tour was over finally.

"Uma you will be with Jane she's right down the hall." said the king pointing to where the pirate caption will be staying.

Jane stood out side of her door waving with a huge smile on her face. She was real happy to finally have a room mate she always wanted one and now she has one.

"And finally Gil you will be with Doug, right here." Ben said opening up a door revealing Doug, Evie, and Mal sitting on a bed watching TV.

"Ok that's the last of them." said the king happy with the first impression he made.

"Yep glad its over." Carlos said happy that it was all over finally.

"Hey, I need to go ask Evie something. Why don't you go put something nice on I'm taking you out to night." Ben said giving Carlos a little kiss.

"Where are we going?" asked the smaller boy

"Its a surprise now go get ready baby I'll come pick you up in about an hour." the older boy told him. They kissed eachother once more and parted ways. After Ben watched Carlos dissapperex around the corner he rushed to Doug's dorm room where Evie was hangging out. Ben needed to ask a few questions like who is Carlos's father and what "dark power" dose Carlos have? Ben was hell bent on finding out.

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