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Mal and Jay lead Ben behind a corner. They didn't seem mad or anything like that. Infect that didn't seem like anything no emotion.

When the two knew for sure that they were safe they started with the questions.

"So Ben that was...big hug ?" asked Jay

"Ya I...I guess so." Ben replied

The two VKS looked at Ben as if they were gonna pounce on him at any moment.

"So um Ben what excataly do you think will be in your and Carlos's future together ?" asked Mal

Now Ben understood what the two were doing they were doing that wired mom, dad interrogation thing. Now Ben was a little more relaxed. Now he could answer all the questions confidently.

"We get married, then graduation, and after that Carlos's coronation will happen, then kids and maybe a little rabbit." Ben said jokingly

"Alright then, what about if someone is threnting Carlos, what would you do ?" asked Mal

"I'm the king I'll banish them." replied Ben

"Ok last question, we know you got Uma to open her mouth about Carlos and now you know everything. What will you do if and when Carlos loses control again ?" asked Jay

Ben had never thought about that. He never reallysaw Carlos as the violent type Carlos was more, lay on the bed all day and cuddle kind of person.

"I guess I'll do what ever is necessary to keep him safe." Ben replied hoping he answered correctly.

"Alright then best of luck to you." said Jay

The two VKS went back into the dining room with the others. Ben felt relaxed like he was finally able to breath right again. He wasn't sure exactly what just happened. But he knew it was all over know.

Ben walked in the room everyone crouding around Carlos still. Everyone want to see or touch the ring. Ben looked over to see on of the pirates sitting all alone at the table. By their self. He walked over to see how it was everyone was way to bust with Carlos to even notice Ben. As he got closer he noticed familiar short brown hair, strong muscles, and a shining hook. Harry was sitting sobbing alone at the table. With his head down starting at something in his hands. It was a picture of Carlos and Harry kissing on the ship when they were both back on the isal. Ben then knew why Harry was crying although he thought that Harry was over Carlos by now since he saw him hitting on Artie. Ben sat down across from Harry who was still sobbing with the picture in his hand.

"Hey Harry." Ben said softly
When Harry made eye contact with Ben he quickly jammed the picture in his pocket and wiped away his tears.

"What Ben ?" asked Harry trying to avoid making eye contact with Ben.

"I just wanted to see if you are ok" replied Ben

"Well as you can clearly see I'm fine now...now will you please just leave me alone." Harry said

Ben got ready to leave but before he did he told Harry one last thing.

"I can't image how you must be feeling right now Harry. I know now that I shouldn't have invited you. I know you still have strong feelings for Carlos but if you really cared for him..." Ben said before he was cut off

"I will let him go." replied Harry in a smart-ass tone.

"No that's not what I was gonna say. I was gonna say that if you really did care about Carlos. Then you'll be happy for your friend." Ben finished

The two boys were quite for a moment. Then Ben got up from the table and went back with the others. A few moments later Harry was finally able to pull it together and hang out with the others. The group then stayed up the whole entire night just talking and laughing.

In the middle of the night Ben woke up in his bed next to Carlos on his shirt sleeve. But Carlos looked so peaceful and Ben didn't want to wake him up. So Ben reached into the nightstand next to him and pulled out a small knife. Ben slowly begun to cut off his sleeve. Ben knew that it was stupid to cut on of his good shirts up but he knew that it was even stupider to mess with such a beautiful sight. Ben got up out of bed and looked down at his phone. He had gotten a text from Fairy God Mother sometime last night.

"King Ben the four children to are coming from the other side of the kingdom will be here some time tomarrow. So please be ready." the text read.

Ben had almost forgotten about the exchange students. Ben looked over at Carlos who was still fast asleep. Ben hated to wake Carlos up espically since he look so peaceful. But he knew that he had to. Carlos was looking forward to meeting the new kids for a while now and he did nit want Carlos to moss them. So he decided to wake Carlos up.

"Carlos, hey baby its time to wake up, Carlos." Ben said trying to get Carlos to wake up.

"Mm what is it Ben ?" asked Carlos still half asleep.

"Do you remember about those kids that I told you about ?" asks the king

"Ya I so what about them ?" asked Carlos slowly starting to wake up.

Carlos looked down and noticed a strange piece of cloth under his head. He looked over Ben and noticed that a huge part of his shirt sleeve was missing.

"D-did you cut off one of you sleeves on your favorite shirt ?" asked Carlos

"Well I didn't want to wake you up so...ya." Ben replied

Carlos pulled Ben in for a huge hug. They looked at eachother and kissed twice. One small on and then one bigger one just like always.

"Come on we got to get up and get going those kids that I told you about will be here soon." Ben said

Carlos had an instant shocked look on his face.

"Their all coming today ?" asked Carlos

"Ya so hurry and put on some clothes." Ben told him

Carlos was excited to meet these four. He always wanted to travel and now he can ask them what the South is like.

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