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"Wait, what did you say about a portal?" Asked Harry

"I-I don't know, it was some where in the forest but-" Seth was explaining before Harry cut him off.

"A portal that leads to a new world, a world where people don't know you if your not from there." Harry explained.

"What? What are you talking about?" Asked Seth

"Think about it for a sec love, Clayton shows up, then you appear from a completely different world. Now all if the villains are free?" Harry explained to Seth. He looked cinfused at first but as he thought about it more and more, the more he understood.

"You think the villians had something to do with me coming here?" Asked Seth

"No, not you but I do think that they had something to do with how you got here." Harry said
"Love I need you to do me a favor, I need you to take me back to where you think the portal is." Harry said

"Okay, come one." Seth said as the two boys started to walk off into the woods.

Meanwhile Carlos took Jack and Ben went down stairs to see his mother and father still locked up in thir own cells.

"Okay here's what's gonna happen, I'm gonna ask you some questions and you going to answer me honestly. But every time I think your lying, my friend Jack here is going to make your cells a lot colder then they already are. Do you understand?" Asked Carlos in a very stern voice.

"Piss off you damn freak. I don't have to tell you a damn homo!" Shouted Clayton

Carlos was silently staring at him at first.

"Jack..." Carlos gave the command.

Jack reached his hand through to grab Clayton's neck. Almost instantly Clayton's neck turn to a blue. Everyone of his breathes were completely visible and his whole body began to shiver.

"To things, one you will answer every single qustion I ask you and you will answer then truthfully. And two the king homo to you asshole!" Carlos said he tapped on Jack's sholder signalling him to let go. Jack did as he waz told and let go of Clayton's neck.

"Now, first question, who is in charge?" Asked Carlos

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