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The two boys got ready as quick as they could. Meeting the new guys was going to be a little...strange being in a new place is really scary. Carlos knew this so his main purpose is help them feel as comfortable as he can. The two boys walked to Ben's office.

"Wait why are we here I thought we were going to meet the new guys ?" asked Carlos

Ben looked up from his desk a little confused but then he remember he forgot to tell Carlos.

"Well Fairy God Mother is going to bring them here for us." Ben replied.

"Oh, okay did you ever find out what their names are Ben ?" Carlos asked hoping he did

"No I did not." Ben replied

Carlos let out a big yawn and rubbed his tired eyes.

"Why did we have to wake up in the middle of the night ?" asked Carlos.

"Well I was told the one of them is a vampire." Ben replied as surieous as he could.

"What...a vampire we're just supposed to believe that ?" asked Carlos.

"I was confused to but apparently its true." Ben told Carlos

Carlos knew Ben would never make up such a thing.

Wait so...why are we letting a vampire in won't she..." Carlos said before Ben cut him off.

"That's what I thought to but apparently she is a vegetarian." Ben resumed Carlos

"Oh well thank God." Carlos said relaxing.

Just then the to boys heard a small knock on the door. Carlos and Ben doth stood up and tried to look professional as they could. The door slowly opened and in came Fairy God Mother. And behind her came in a boy in a blue jacket, white hair and a long staff. Next came in a another boy with a rat tail hair do. He had on a brown jacket, boots and a light brown shirt. Right behind him was a small meek girl very pal, beautiful purple eyes she had a red rainbow drink in her hand and two very sharp teeth. And lastly a another boy wearing nothing but black, he had bark brown hair, and he was missing on foot and had a metal...thing as his foot.

"King Ben, Sir Carlos I would like you to meet Jack Frost, Jim Hawkins, Mavis Dracula, and Hiccup Haddock." said Fairy God Mother.

Ben got up from his desk and started shaking their hands one by one. When Ben finished he walked back to Carlos. He put his arm around Carlos.

"We"re so happy to have you all here with us." Ben told them

Mavis took a small drink from her cup. Shupring it a little loudly.

"So why are we here ?" asked Jim clearly starting to get annoyed.

Ben looked at him very confused.

"You mean you don't know ?" asked Ben.

"In none of us do, yesterday we were just in class going about our day and thenext thing we know some of the teachers come up to us and tell is to start packing. And that we were going to a secret...place." replied Hiccup.

Ben started to look even more comfused. Why didn't anyone tell them why they were coming ?

"Okay well we were told that you all were brought here to help you." Ben told them.

"Help with what exactly ?" asked Jack

"I'm not sure." replied Ben

Carlos begun to feel very...uneasy and kinda uncomfortable. He just wanted everything to end now. He thought it was going to be an amazing thing meeting these new people but now it just turned into a huge mess.

"Well it was wonderful to have met all of you. Sorry this has to end so soon and that I can't answer any questions that you have. But me and Carlos have some...things we need to work out. Um Fairy God Mother will show you all to your dorm rooms and we will see you at school on Monday." explained Ben

Fairy God Mother lead the four new students out and to their rooms. Carlos finally relaxed after they all left the room.

"Oh my God that was so weird it just got so awkward so fast." said Carlos

"I know right I thought Jim was gonna kill me just by looking at me." replied Ben

The two boys shared a laugh or two about the awkwardness. They talked about it for a little while longer until Carlos changed the subject.

"So...what things do we need to take care of Ben ?" asked Carlos.

Ben looked down at Carlos.

"Well I kinda thought that we should get a start on this whole wedding thing that you and I are having you know." Ben replied kiddingly

"Ya alright smart ass that's a good idea, so what did you have in mind ?" asks Carlos

Ben smiled at Carlos.

"Well I have a great idea..." Ben said before he was cut off.

"If you think for one second that I am gonna do all of this than you'r crazy." Carlos told him in a stern voice.

"No baby, I was gonna have Vie and Jane do it for is." Ben replied

"Oh well then that's a great idea." Carlos said

The to boys laughed at what Carlos said.

Carlos walked over to Ben and sat down in his lap. He laid his head on his chest to lisem to his heart beat.

The tow boys sat there for what felt forever. Ben rapped his arms around Carlos. Carlos started to kiss Ben's neck and then lead up to his lips. Ben was little caught off guard but he soon embraced Carlos. Ben finally broke the moment and was finally able to ask Carlos something.

"So do you want to go back to bed or are you like me and to awake and can't even so much as think of going back to sleep." asked Ben

"I think I can go for a little bit more sleep" said Carlos

"Alright then, lets go back to bed." Ben said before picking Carlos up and caring him back into their room.

Ben opened the door and walked inside to find Jack laying on the other bed playing with Dude and Belzzub. Now Ben and Carlos had a new roommate and he looked terrified.

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