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Carlos was frozen with fear and a little bit of confusion his father? Carlos didn't even know his father so how did Mavis find out?

"Mavis I think your mistaken I don't have a father." Carlos replied

"Um yes you do...don't you know who it is?" asked Mavis

Carlos's heart stop he had never thought about his father until Mavis said something. Not to mention how did a villain escape from the barrier? Carlos had all these questions and not a single answer for any of them. Just then Ben grabbed Davis's arm and led her out side.

"What?" she asked

"He doesn't know who is dad is." said Ben

"Why?" asked the vampire

Ben looked around to make sure no one could see or here.

"Because his father is Clayton, there might be a chance he will come here to kill Carlos." Ben told her

"What?! That's insane why the hell would he do that to his own son." she asked

"Ya Ben why." asked Carlos in tears behind Ben.


"You what Ben? Don't want me to know my life is danger, that you know who my father is and I don't, or that you had no intention on telling me what so ever." Carlos said through his tears.

Ben walked up to Carlos and put his hand on his cheek to wipe away a tear rolling down. When Carlos is sad all he wants is Ben to hold, to cry on, to kiss he just wanted to feel safe. Ben was Carlos's safe haven but right now he didn't feel safe with him.

"Baby I am sorry I just thought if you didn't know than I could take care of it for you and you would have to worry. I just thought I could protect you from him." said trying to assure him.

"Ben...I'm really scared what's going to happen?" asked Carlos

Ben pulled Carlos in to his chest so Carlos could here is heart beat. He knew that Carlos loved to listen to his heart beat.

"I'm going to take you to Mal and the others, were gonna work something out and then were going to a safe place far from here where he can't find you." Ben told Carlos

Ben looked and Mavis

"Pack you things were leaving at night." he told her
"Tell Hiccup and Jim that to." He said

Ben took Carlos in to the dorm room. And told Jack to pack his things. Jack knew Ben was being serious and didn't question anything.

"I just texted everyone they'll be ready by tonight." Ben said

Carlos stood up and Hughes Ben tight not wanting to let go he gotten his haven back and he didn't want to let it go.

"You not mad at me anymore?" asked Ben

"I'm to scared to be angry." Carlos told him

Ben looked Carols in the eyes.

"Hey look at my I will do whatever it takes to make sure that your safe." Ben told Carlos

Ben phone buzzed in his pocket and he reached into his pocket to grab it.

"Jay just texted me he and Uma pulled the cars around so we can go when ever." Ben told him

"Dude and Belzzabub are asleep in their crates so I'm ready to go when ever you are." Carlos replied.

"Okay then lets go baby" Ben told him

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