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Ben texted Carlos a hundreds times with no response to any. After many texts and calls he decided to call form help.

The first person that came to mind was Evie, if anyone coulsld help Ben find Carlos, Evie can.

Ben begun to text Evie but before he could his phone started to ring. It was Carlos finally he called back Ben felt relieved that he was okay. Ben answered his phone.

"Carlos where are you I texted you like a thousand time where are you are you ok?" asked the king.

"I'm back at the dorm, my phone died so I put it on the charger then took a shower. What's going on?" asked Carlos

"N-nothing I...I just wanted to Call and make sure that you were ok and safe and...stuff." Ben lied.

"You know something, I hope our future kids can lie better that you. Why did you really call...and stuff." Carlos replied with a smart-ass smirk on his face.

Carlos always could tell when Ben lied. Whether it be face to face, on the phone, Skype, even text. Carlos could always tell when Ben was lying to him.

"Ok fine." Ben tried to think up a new lie and tried to be careful to not say and unless necessary.
"Well I tried to call to say I'm gonna be late, I tried calling and texting you but you didn't pick up I thought something bad happened to you. I just wanted to make sure you were ok and alive and safe." Ben said

"Damn" Ben thought I was doing so good until the last part l, please God don't let him be on to me." Ben thought.

"Oh ok then." Carlos replied

"Oh thank you God he bought it." thought Ben

"Well I gone a hop off here and feed the animals hurry home please...I miss you." Carlos said

"I miss you to baby, I'll be home as soon as I can love you."

"Love you to Ben."

The two boys hung up. Ben heading to the store to get Carlos some chocolate. That's Carlos's favorite thing in the whole world. And Carlos begun to feed and water the animals. After Carlos had finished he heard a knock at the door. Carlos walked over to the door to open it up. But before he could the door opened and in came. Evie, Mal, Uma, and Jane. Evie made herself comfortable on Ben's and Carlos's bed. Mal sat on the kitchen counter. The kitchen was not closed off like a normal kitchen. It was compliantly open for anyone to see. Jane was the only one who sat down in a chair. Carlos's gaming chair to be exact. And Uma leaned against the door with one leg up and one to keep her standing. All the girls were staring at him with their arms folded. And a emotanless look on all of their faces.

Like they were getting ready to pounce at any time.

"So Carlos...how have you been ?" asked Mal

"Fine, I gueas I was just going to get dressed for the dinner."

"Oh the dinner...um ya about that see the thing is um well...you see us girls we have a short wick. We can only take so much waiting before we either don't care or find out ourselfs." Mal explained

"What's your point Mal ?" Carlos asked cautiously.

Uma was finally tired of waiting for Mal to get to the point. So she started her own investigation.

"Look Carlos, we want to know what this dinner is about. Ben said that he had some good news to tell all of us and we can't wait anymore." Uma said strongly.

"I can't tell you guys. This dinner is really important and I...he want you all at dinner tonight so he can tell you." Carlos shuddered.

"Wait you said I, as in you, you want us all at dinner why ?" Asked Jane

Carlos begun to feel nervous. He didn't want to tell them just yet this is going to be a big dinner and Carlos didn't want to spoil it for Ben and tell four people.

"Look girls I know you all want to know and you will...at dinner tonight." Carlos announced.

"But..." Evie said before Carlos cut her off.

"No buts, everyone go...except for Evie I need you help picking out what I'm going to wear for tonight." Carlos ordered

The other girls walked out feeling a little defeated.

"Ok so what do you..." Evie asked Carlos

"Oh shut up, I already asked you for you help earlier today remember, I going to tell you what dinner tonight is about." Carlos told his best friend.

He knew that he shouldn't tell her. But he was telling Evie his bestfriend. And besides he needed to tell at least one person today.

"Well Evie, ember that date Ben took me out on a while ago." asked the white haired teen

"Ya what about it ?" asked Evie while she was starting to get impatient.

"Ok, well Ben kind of...asked me to married him." said Carlos with a growing smile.

"What did you say." asked Evie

"What the hell do you think, I said yes." Carlos screamed.

This two begun to laugh and cheer. Evie hugged Carlos real tight. Carlos extended his arm out to show Evie his new ring.

"Oh my God its beautiful Carlos." Evie said.

"Thank you Evie." Carlos said to her.

"Maybe you can tell key just one more thing." said Evie

Carlos rolled his eyes. Once again Evie wanted to know everything about Carlos.

"Oh God what is it ?" asked Carlos with a annoyed tone in his voice.

"Well I was wondering if you would be so kind and prove or debunk a little rumor going around the whole entire school." Evie said

"What is it ?" asked Carlos

"Well there are a lot of people talking about another group of new kids coming here soon." Evie said

"Yes Evie, that's true." Carlos told her.

"Yay I can't wait to meet them, how many are coming, when and how many ?" Evie asked shooting questions out.

"There are four of them, they are all coming tomorrow, and I don not know who they are. Not even Ben knows" explained.

Just then Carlos's phone started to ring. He looked down at the caller ID, it was Ben.

"Hey gorgeous how is your day going ?" asked Ben

"Pretty good, how about you ?" asked Carlos with a huge smile on his face.

"Well better now." Ben replied. " Listen , I just wanted to call and tell you dinner is almost ready I will be there soon to come pick everyone up in the limo.

"Alright see you then." Carlos said

"I love you to the moon and back." Ben said

"I love you from here to Mars." Carlos replied

"See you soon...King Ben." Carlos said being cute.

"See you soon...King Carlos." Ben replied back

The two boys hung up and Carlos started to get dressed.

"Dinner will be ready soon and Ben is on his way to come pick us all up in the limo, so get ready and act surprised. And do not tell anyone please." Carlos demanded her.

Don't worry...Mr. Florian I won't tell another living soul." said Evie

Finally Carlos and Ben were going to announce their engagement. The only problem was the next person to tell is a bitch named Cruella.

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