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Evie woke up in her bed. She was weak, tired, and covered in sweet. She looked over next to her and saw Doug sleeping in a chair next ro her. There were take out boxes, a half eaten pizza on the table. She sat up and strighten out her shirt but when she did she noticed her stomach was flat. Evie turned her head twords Doug who was still fast asleep.

"Doug" she said weakly. Doug was still asleep and couldn't hear a thing.

"You won't be able to wake him up. He's been awake for the past three days waiting for you to wake up." Uma said

"Uma what are you doing here?" Evie asked still very weak.

"We all take shifts watching over you. All except for Doug he's here all day everyday."

"How long have I been asleep for?"

"About a week. We had to get Fairy Godmother to put you under a sleep spell."


"Cause you would have died if we didn't. Your heart rate went off the charts while you were gping into lador. It would have stopped. Putting you to sleep brought it back down."

"Lador...Labor! Where-"

"Their at the hospital. Harry and Seth are with them."

"Are they okay?"

"Other than the fact that they have Doug's nose yes they're fine."

There was a little bit of an uneasy silence untill Evie spoke yet again.

"Wait Audrey, she gave me something, something to eat and I-oh my God!"Evie said

"What what's wrong?!" Uma asked

"It was an apple pie, and apple-God, son of a bitch!" Evie said as loudly as she could "She gave a and apple pie to disguise the spelled apple."

Uma looked at Evie in disbelieve. She was so shocked to hear what Audrey had done to Evie.

"But why would Audrey want to force you to have your babies early?" Uma asked

"I don't know but I need you to do me a favore. Keep an eye on her for me see if she dose or says anything out of the ordinary."

"No problem, in fact I know where she is now I can go keep an eye on her!" Uma said as she got up to run out. But before she could Evie grabbed her sleeve and pulled her back down close to her.

"Keep this between me and you, tell nobody. Not Harry, not Gill, and especially not Ben and Carlos. Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes I do."

Evie let go of Uma's sleeve and she ran out the door. Praying that no one-

"Why do you think Audrey spelled Evie, Uma?" Asked a voice behind her Uma slowly turned around to find Diego right next to the door.

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