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Ben walked in to the bedroom to that he was just in to find a still sleeping Carlos reached out over the bed. Ben walked in quitley over to his sleeping husband. He was finally starting to get used to thinking and saying that now. He always felt somewhere deep, deep down inside of heart that Carlos was already his husband just not the way others would have expected. Ben sat down on the bed next to Carlos. He bent down to his forehead and gave him a genital kiss on his forehead so he didn't wake him up. But when Ben was pulling his head back Carlos sprung up and pulled Ben in for a much deeper kiss. Ben was a little caught off guard when Carlos kissed him but it didn't take long for him to return the kiss. When the kiss was over Ben was somehow speechless. But Carlos was not.

"Morning Ben." Carlos said

"Morning." Ben replied
"So, how did you sleep last night?" Ben asked

"Good how did you sleep?" Carlos asked kinda awkwardly.

"Good" Ben told him

There was a long awkward silence between them. Until finally Ben broke the silence.

"Okay I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm not sure what we're sppoused to do after sex." the two boys shared a little laugh.

"Me either" Carlos said in between giggles.

"Oh my God we're so messed up." Carlos said

"True, but we can be messed up together."

There was a another silence but this time it wasn't as bad.

"Do you want to go for a walk maybe?" asked Ben

"Ya I'd lie that." Carlos said as he got out of bed. He got out of bed to check his phone and what he saw chilled him to his core. It was a text that read.

"I can see you son 😉"

"Oh my God Ben" Carlos whispered.

"Ya?" Ben asked but before he could another text was sent.

"Say one word about where I am and I will kill Ben." the text read.

Carlos looked up to see a red dot on Ben's forehead. Carlos quickly tackled Ben to the ground behind the bed keeping him on the ground where he knew Clayton couldn't see him.

"Carlos what the hell are you doing?" asked Ben

"It's Clayton he's here!" Carlos said. And then he remembered about everyone else in the living room completely unaware of what was happening. The next text he got made his heart stop.

"I remember when you kids were knee high to a grass hopper and now look at you guys."

"Mal with a beautiful new hair, Jay big and strong, and...who is that with Evie her new boyfriend I'm guessing."

Just then he heard a gun fire go off. He and Ben ran into the living room to find no one hurt just a broken window and a hole in the floor.

"Tell everyone to come outside or I'll put a bullet right in between Mal's beautiful dark green eyes."

Carlos's heart started to race like a car.

"Everyone outside." Carlos instructed.

"Are you bloody mad." asked Harry.

"If we go out there we die." added Doug

"And if we stay here Mal dies." the room went quite. Everyone looked at Carlos shocked.

"Its Clayton, he found us." Carlos said

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