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" Um what are you doing here." asked Ben confusedly.

"Fairy God Mother told me that I was going to be staying in here with you guys." Jack replied.

Ben was a little annoyed but he had to just let it go. He knew that there was nothing he could do about it. Espically since there is a lack of space in school here lately.

"O-okay well I was just about to put Carlos back to bed he kinda fell asleep in my lap." Ben told Jack who was still playing with the animals.

Ben walked in and shut the door behind him. He walled over and laid Carlos down gently on their bed. Ben laid down next to him and pulled the covers over them. Jack crawled into the bed next to them and went to sleep almost instantly. Ben rolled over on him back and Carlos proceeded to lay completely on top of him. Ben covered them both up.

Carlos laded his head on top of Ben's chest once again to listen to go to sleep to the sound of his heart beat. Ben twirled his fingers around Carlos's soft hair. Carlos fell asleep almost instentily. Ben started to think to him self people always tell him that his future is in his hands. Bet this time his future was actually in his hands. Ben gave Carlos two kisses on the head.

"I love you to the moon and back." whispered Ben

"I love you from here to Mars." Carlos whispered back. After some time the two boys fell into a deep sleep.

Later on in the night Carlos woke upfrom his nightmare. He woke up in sweet and tears. He didn't want Ben to wake up or to worry. Carlos walked into the kitchen a few halls down to get some water. Along the way he started to think if his nightmares would ever go away. Carlos never really like talking about his nightmares not even it Ben its not that he didn't trust him its just talking about made it to real for Carlos. He just wanted it all to end. Carlos finally got to the kitchen and got something to drink.
Sometime later Jacked walked in and noticed Carlos sitting alone.

"Oh hi" Jack said

"Hi, couldn't sleep?" asked Carlos

"No, I've been having nightmares." Jack told him

"Oh me to, what's yours about?" asked Carlos

Jack was a little hisentant to tell him at first but eventually he thought what was the harm in telling him.

"Well I'm in it but its just me no one else is there at all its like the earth just...left me behind." Jack explained

"That sounds terrifying." Carlos told him

"Ya but thankfully my nightmares don't happen often."
Jack assured him

"Good"said Carlos

"Hey Carlos can I ask you something just between us?" asked Jack

'Ya sure what is it?" Carlos asked

"Well there is this guy I saw and I think like him. We haven't meet yet and I don't even know his name but there is just something about him that's just so attractive." Jack explained

"Describe him to me I think I might know his name." Carlos told him

"Okay his tall, big muscles, square jaw, handsome as hell, dark drown hair, and I believe he's some kind of pirate." Jack said

Carlos almost instantly knew who Jack Frost was atlkimg about. Jack had feelings for Harry.

"It sounds like you are talking about Harry Hook." Carlos told him

"Oh like the son of Captain Hook?" asked Jack

"Ya he came from the isal just like me and their others." Carlos told him.

"What's it like on the isal?" asked Jack.

"Its awful no fresh food, clean water, terrible living conditions, no Wifi, you can either be in a gang or be hunted by one. And everyone has some one that they hate." Carlos explained

Jack looked like he was in shock. He couldent believe that a place like that was even real.

"That sounds awful how could the Beast allow you to live like that?" asked Jack

"Well he didn't know the villains were gonna have kids. And even if he knew that they were what was he going to do take new born babies away from their moms and dads?" asked Carlos

"Good point, good point" Jack replied

"So tell me a little bit about where you came from." Carlos told him

"Well its not as bad as the isal but it was still pretty bad." Jack told Carlos

"How so?" asked Carlos

"You don't even want to know" Jack told him

"Oh believe me I have seen and heard something's that would scar you for life." Carlos told him

"Okay, fine then, have you ever had to stay below the windows I. Your own home to keep from people shooting at you?" asked Jack

"How else do you keep from being shot at?" asked Carlos in a kidding way

"Have you ever fought for you food only to find out its been stolen?" asked Carlos.

"Only one haha." laughed Jack

The two boys talked for what felt like forever just talking about their lives. Trying to fund out which one had the worst life. They talked and they laughed and eventually they got tired. The two boys went back to their dorm rooms. Carlos crawled back into bed with Ben,Dude,and Bellzubub. And Jack went over to his own bed.

"Goodnight Carlos." wispred Jack

"Goodnight Jack." Carlos wispred back to him.

Carlos cuddled up next to Ben real close. Ben wrapped his arm around Carlos and the other one was playing with Carlos's hair. Carlos laid his head down on top of Ben's chest to listen to his heart beat. Jack was already asleep but Carlos was still up just thinking.

"How did my life go from the isal where there were gangs, robberies, and pirates to this in a great school with amazing people and about to get married." Carlos thought to himself.

He hugged Ben's chest a little tighter and then drifted off into a deep sleep.

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