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Carlos and Evie went outside. Where they meet all the others. Mal was wearing a short, light purple dress with dark purple lace. She stood next to Jay who was wearing a normal drown and red tux. With Uma, Harry, Gil, and Diego acrossed from them.

They dident really dress up for the occasion but Carlos didn't really care. The VKs sat out side waiting for Ben to. Come pick them up. After a while the rest came out side to join the others. Jane rushed out side with Doug, Chad, and Lonnie right behind her. Carlos sat alone away from the others. He was scared out of his mind. Not cause of what his friends thought of the marriage. But of what his mother thought of it. Carlos hadn't spoken to his mother since he left the isal. He was not sure how his mother would take the news that he was getting married..to a man.

He sat there wondering what to do, what to say? And if she did approve would she ask to com to the wedding? All these thoughts flew right into Carlos's head. Buzzing around like a swarm of angry bees. Evie cam and sat down next to him.

"Hay, something on your mind ?" asked Evie

"Just thinking about my mom, and what she would think about...all of this." responded Carlos.

Evie wasn't sure what to say. She knew how his mom treated him back at the isal. What would make this time be any different ?

She put her hand on his back and patted him softly.

"You know you don't have to tell her anything, you owe her nothing !" Evie said

"I know but I guess its just my way of thinking that I have a good mom that actually cares about me." Carlos told her.
"Maybe my dad would care to if he gave a damn enough to even be in the picture."

Evie thoifht about what Ben told he. About how Carlos deserves to know about his father. She want to tell him but before she could. One of the pirates tapped on her sholder. It was Diego

"Um Evie we need some help, your pretty good with people and stuff come on." Diego pleaded

"Alright fine, I'll be there in a sec." Evie said.

She turned her head and looked at Carlos.

"You know when I was younger. My mother would draw unibrows and moles on my face to keep me from being prettier than her. And now I'm about to be prom queen in a few months." Elvis said
"I know I am a successes, and my mom is nothing more than a stuck up bitch." Evie finished before following Diego around that corner.

Where Harry was crying his eyes out.

Evie went over to comfort the crying pirate. She sat down on the ground next to him.

"Harry...Harry what's wrong ?" asked Evie
"Why are you crying?"

"I know." the pirate replied

"You know about what ?"

"The dinner for tonight...I know what they are gonna announce." Harry said inbetween the tears.

"What do you think they are gonna say ?"

"They-they are gonna get ma-married." Harry said

Evie was shocked how did he know about that ? Did Carlos tell him? Or did he just find out on his own.

"What makes you think that ?" asked Evie

"I herd you two talking o-over by the stairs." Harry told her.

"Why are you crying aren't you seeing Artie?"

"I only talked to him to try to move on from Carlos. But I can't...I-I still love him so much Evie." Harry said once again through his tears.

"Oh Harry I'm so sorry I had no idea." Evie said trying to comfort him.

Harry started to cry so hard his face started to turn beat red. Al he wanted was Carlos. Harry dated a lot of girls but was never happy with any of them. Until he meet Carlos. Carlos was the person who helped him find out he was gay. He helped him feel normal, happy, loved, and...wanted. And now that Carlos is gone Harry felt just like he did before Carlos.

Alone, unwanted, and unloved. A little part of him wanted to go back in time so he could fall in love all over again. But he saw Carlos was happy and Harry wanted him to be happy with or without him.

He missed the way Carlos's skin felt. The way used to listen to his heart beat all of the time. But that thing that he missed the most was Carlos's kiss. The warm feeling if Carlos's lips against his. The way he felt when it was happening how he felt like it was just him and Carlos. All of that was gone and now he knew for sure that it was gone forever. Finally Ben pulled around up in the limo. With Artie driving it and Ben in the back seat. Ben stepped out an let everyone inside. The pirates sat at the far left side. The two couples Carlos, Ben, Evie, and Doug sat in the middle. The AKs sat in the far right side of the seat. Mal sat on the floor of the limo. And Jay rode shot gun. The group was on their way to dinner finally. When they finally arrived everyone was relived to finally get out of the car. They went into the castle Ben and Carlo lead them in the dunning room where they would be having dinner. Evie sat down next to Harry to make sure he was doing ok. She looked at him and gave him a sympathetic smile. He gave her a smile right back.

"Carlos are you ready yet ?" asked Ben

"Ya I think its time now." Carlos told him

The two boys stood up out of their chairs. Ben picked up his class.

"Um guys its time to tell you all why we gathered you all here today." Ben said

Carlos's heart started to speed up rapidly. His hands got all sweetie and his breathing started to get faster. Ben took him by the hand and looked him in the eyes.

"Well here it goes guys." Ben announced.

"Do you want to tell them or should I ?" Ben asked Carlos.

"Lets tell them all together." Carlos told him.

"Ok...we're getting married !" the two boys announced at them same time.

Everyone flung out of their chairs to congratulate the to boys Mal, Uma, Evie, Lonnie, and Jane crowded around Carlos to get a look at his ring. While Chad, Doug, Artie, Diego, Jay, Gil, and Harry was congratulating Ben.

After all of the attention was on Carlos. Mal and Jay pulled Ben away from the crowed.

"Hey Ben come with us." Mal told him

"What's going on ?" asked Ben

"We just want to ask you a few questions...that's all pal." said Jay

Ben begun to fell very, very nervous about these "questions" that Mal and Jay had for him.

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