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Today a normal-ish day for Seth and Harry. They just sat in bed today and watched TV.

"So did you hear about about Audrey?" Asked Harry trying to start up a conversation as well as a little bit of gossip.

"Who?" Ask Seth

"Oh sorry love she is Chad's ex girlfriend." Harry said trying to explain


"Oh ya Chad is that one guy thats always with Diego and Jane."

"Umm...oh ya I do."

"Well his girl friend just came out."

Seth looked at Harry with a little bit of a shocked expression on his face.

"Really, she did?!" Asked Seth surprisingly.

"She did." Harry responded
"A lot if people have been coming out ever since Ben and Carlos became kings."

"I get that." Seth reaponded

Harry looked down and saw that Seth was a little distracted.

"Love are you alright?" Harry asked

"...Oh uhmm ya I-I'm fine." Seth responded

"Ok but how about you try looking in my eyes and saying that." Harry said

Seth looked up at Harry and wanted to say that again.

"Oh Harry Carlos and Evie came to the dorm earlier. They asked me to sign something." Seth explained

"What was it?" Harry asked

"It is something to help shut down a gay conversation camp."

"What?!" Harry asked shockling

"Ya it's that place where Mavis,Jack,Hiccup, and Jim came from." Seth explained

"Oh my God, and there are still people in there?!" Harry asked Seth

"Ya I guess so."

Harry was dumbfounded from what he had just heard. He had heard stories about those kind of camps. And yhe things that hr heard were terrifying.

"Well what do we need to do to get that place shut down for good?" Asked Harry

"Well they need one-hundred signatures so if they can get that then they have enough to shut it down." Seth explained to Harry

"How many do they have now?" Asked Harry

"I'm not sure I saw a few like maybe about thirty or so."

"Ok well thry dud just start so that makes sense I guess."

Meantime in Ben's office Carlos finally got out of the hospital and took Evie to tell Ben and Doug who were counting the signatures and trying to get more people to back them up.

Carlos and Evie walk through the door. Evie has a huge worried look on her face.

"Hey Evie, hey Carl-Carlos!!!" Ben said shooting up out of his seat and run over twords Carlos.

"They said you would be let out in a few more days wha-how...you know what I don't care I'm so glad your out finally.

Ben and Carlos stood at the door in a tight hug. Eviel walks Eive twords Doug.

"Evie sweet heart hi, how's your day been?" Asked Doug

"Um good it's been good. So um...there is somethin I need to tell you but I'm not quite sure how to say it." Evie said

Ben looked at Carlos and wispered in his ear.

"What is she talking about?"

"Just listen." Carlos responded

Doug look at Evie with a calm look on his face.

"Just say it." Doug told Evie

Evie took a deep breath in and let it out.

"Ok here it goes. Doug, I'm pregnant."

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