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Carlos woke up on morning to the sounds of birds chirping, winds blowing, and Ben humming a little tune his mom used to sink to him when he was a little boy. Carlos set up to see Ben was cooking breakfast and talking to Jack. Carlos checked his phone for any text or notifications. There was only one text it was from Mavis.

"Hey Mal gave me you number just want to see if you could meet me at the front gates around noon-ish there is something important I want to ask you thanks again." it read

Carlos texted back

"Sure no problem see ya soon."

He put his phone back down and got up about off bed. He let out a huge yawn and stretched out as far as he could. Ben noticed that Carlos was finally out of bed.

He walked up behind him and kissed his neck.

"Good morning baby how did you sleep ?" asked Ben

"I slept just fine Ben thanks." Carlos replied

"Well I have to go Davis texted me she want to meet not sure why though." Carlos added

"Alright well do you want some breakfast before you go?" asked Ben

"Sure I'd love some, what did you make ?" asked Carlos

"Pancakes come on I'll make you a plate." Ben told Carlos

The three boys sat on Jack's bed enjoying some breakfast. Until Davis came busting through the door.

"I'm sorry Carlos this just couldn't wait." Davis

"What's wrong ?" asked Carlos

"Your father is free." she told him

/sorry this is so short I have no Wifi at my house\

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