Chapter-1 knowing about the marriage...

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After 5yrs since that incident,I tried my best to maintain myself,trying not to show my weakness in front of anyone including mom and dad ,who always stay by my side every now and then which I am really fortune to have them as my parents

And yes I had recently graduated from my high school and really wanted to enroll myself in a college but staying at home means I can't pursue that and I can't really keep on going like this home school,also I really am bored sitting around the house ,with no real human friends ,I really envy those girls who always pass by my house after school and...,"Erica...."I was brought back from my revive ,I turn around to look at my mom, who was walking towards me full of fear and worried all over her feature.

I left what I was doing and stood up straight,to wish her but before I could speak, I was cut off,"why are you here outside ???haven't I told you before you aren't safe...."she yelled .
I was taken a back for a second but then a smile made its way on my lips "yes mom,I know but I really am bored sitting inside all day doing nothing and I needed some fresh air too,"you all must be wondering why I am smiling at this time when she seem angry but to tell the truth I often smile a lot after the incident few years back and mostly  this days,I am smiling way lot more but yeah,that's what keeps me going on with my life.

I approach her and held her hands,"mom, are you angry mommyyyy...come on mom please smile please and you know right I don't like sitting there inside all day long...",I said but she was still standing quiet and I in return squeeze her hand...

I shake her hands and said with a puppy face... "mommy...mommy please smile please",
she turn towards me and gave a gentle slap on my checks and finally a smile creep its way on her lips ,she shook her head before she finally spoke,"you and your acting come lets go in".

With that said I gave her my brightest smile and nooded my head okay,I cling on to her arm and headed inside the house.

It was around two in the afternoon ,I was lying on my bed and scrolling through my cell phone browsing some designer outfits ,then I heard a commotion down in the living room,so out of curiousity I decided to go down and check on what was going on. As I came down ,I saw a man in a fine grey tailored suit with a navy blue tie and a woman in a black knee-length dress with a red block heel shoes and I must say,she look quiet elegant .As I was observing them from the stairs the woman catch her eyes on me and stood up and said in her happy and sweet voice....
"oh my,my Christy,Calep ,is she the one, your daughter and my daughter-in -law?".

Mom ,dad and the man stood up and turn around to face me,
"oh yes Corey she is,Erica sweety ,do you remember them your uncle Robert and aunt Corey?", mom asked.

Uncle Robert??aunt Corey??

I stood there like a dumbbells until uncle Robert uttered something,"so she is our Erica ,isn't she is like her mother, honey?",uncle Robeet asked.

"yes, she sure is....more beautiful then I expected her to be,"aunt Corey said with a big smile on her face.

"Erica come over here "mom called out.

I nodded and walk towards them nervously and confuse,who are they??uncle Robert,aunt Corey???and as I came and sat beside mom,that word daughter-in-law ring inside my mind and I ask "mom ,what did aunt Corey meant by daughter -in-law???"
They all turn their eyes on me until  mom spoke nervously, "mmmm---actually sweety we need to tell you something."

"tell me what??"I question her back,I am so nervous now please don't let it the one which I am thinking right now.

Am I getting married or something??Oh God no!!

"actually sweety we should have told you from before but we thought that it wasn't the right time...we are sorry,"mom said ,sadness was evident in her voice but I am still confuse.

Okay please explain mom??

"what is it mom??",I question her again.

"you see Erica you had been married off to you.."I cut my dad off,
"what ma-married ???",I asked ,my voice stutter.

"yes,sweety you are married with their son"mom spoke.

"you mean aunt Corey and uncle Robert's son"I asked in disbelief ...

"Erica sweety ,I know this news must have startle you,hearing all this ,and this same expression was on my son's face as well when we told him about both of you....and Erica sweety we want you to come and live with us there and try to get to know Richard "aunt Corey said.

I didn't say anything and sat there like a dumb person, just staring at my sweaty and shaggy plum.

Aunt Corey sat beside me and place her hand on mine,"sweety I know you must be confused about the whole thing but  when you come with us you will be able to understand slowly and also you will be able to go to college there and do whatever you want freely."

Whatever aunt Corey said was all true because when I go there in New York I will be able to enroll in a college and be able to explore and do what I really want,freely but ....but I don't want to leave my parents here alone...I just can't ....

"But I can't go there leaving my parents here alone....who will take care of them,when I am gone??"I asked with sadness and worried.

"sweety you don't have to worry about us mama and me ,we'll be fine here you just go there and continue your studies and also be with your husband ,try to know him ,"papa said smiling,I look up at him with sadness.

"Erica you go and live your dreams there and make us proud,and never forget that you are about to marry Richard again",mama said with a sad yet, at the same time a serious tone evident in those sad voice.

"about to marry again....what do you mean by that again???"I asked confusingly....

"actually Erica ,when we I mean us got both of you married you were too young so we decided that when both of you enrolled into college we will let you get married again...Richard is already at the end of his college life but you are about to begin Erica come and stay with us in New York...."uncle Robert said ...

I look at both my parents,they seemed really stressed and eagerly waiting for my respond and on the other hand uncle Robert and aunt Corey were expecting a 'yes' from me....I was confused as hell whether to say' yes' or a 'no'........

Hey guys ,
this is the first chapter,
I hope you guys enjoy ,please vote and comment....

love you...

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