Chapter-28 Guest

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Erica's POV***

My hearing was getting low,my vision was becoming blurry and I saw mom and Aunt Corey yelling out something and rushing towards me but then before they could reach me ,I fell flat on the ground with my blood spread over the ground.

I saw mom crying beside me and Aunt Corey talking to me to stay awake that lasted only for a second and then darkness took over me.

I slowly open my eyes and I was already in my room, on my bed but when I try to sit up ,I felt my head heavy and fell on my bed again. I put my hand on my head and there was a bandage on it.

"what happ...en??why is ...I"to think of I was having lunch with mom and Aunt outside in the lawn and then I got a call from an unknown number , I received it but the network was poor there so I moved a little further to talk but then as I was about to talk, something heavy hit my head and I....

I was brought back from my trance when mom and Aunt walked in and as they saw me awake ,they rush towards me and sat beside me .

"how are you my baby??"mom asked with full of emotions and worry.

I grin but it soon faded because I really can't smile because of my head.
"I am fine ,now"

"you scared us all again and what exactly happened I mean we saw you receiving a call but then your face was dripping with blood"mom asked as she wiped her tears which had fall on her cheeks.

"I exactly don't know either but as I was trying to hear the caller, all of the sudden something hard hit my head and finally my vision and also my hearing turn mute ,yes I could hear a bit of your yell but then I..."I was interrupted when dad and Uncle dash in with full of worry  written all over their face.

"sweety how are you,we got shaken by seeing you on the ground like that?"dad asked while rubbing my head.

I gave a small smile and said,
"I am fine dad you guys don't need to be shaken by anything that happens to me every time".

"you!!!will understand when you have your own children someday at that time you will know how we are feeling right,now"mom stated.

"okay!!!mom,I'll wait for that time", and tried to wink at mom but couldn't because of my head.

They all laugh at my action and I  pouted at them.

If all of them are here and expressing their concerned for me ,then where is my Richard,why isn't he is here,last time he wasn't there and now he isn't here??I tried to look for him towards the door but he wasn't outside. Then I heard Aunt said,"don't worry he is at downstairs managing the security for you,he will be...."I cut her off in between,

"security ??"I asked in baffled

"yes sweety,after what that man did to you ,he has been putting up securities all around the house "dad stated

"I want to see him,dad,mom,"I said while trying to get up from my bed.

"sweety you mustn't get up from your bed"mom said and stop me from getting up.

"mim please ,I want to see him please" I clasped my hand,I know I am acting childish but I really want to see him and I know him really well that he would be taking everything by himself and also he won't rest until everything is settle so I want to console him and tell him that I am alright but that's possible only if mom let me go out from this bed.

"please mom,I won't run nor go outside from the house,please let me get out from this bed and I promise you that after I talk to him I'll come up straight here,please"I said and pouted while keeping my finger cross.

After a second ,mim agreed and I jump out from my bed and I heard mom yelling at me not to run but I didn't listen to her and hurry downstairs not carrying about my wound.

As I entered the living room , I saw a group of men in black suite along with Richard in front them, instructing them about what is it,I don't know maybe guarding the surrounding or who knows but I bet that's the reason.

But their so called discussion ended when one of the man diverted his gaze towards me signalling my presences to Richard .Richard turn around only to see me,I grin at him and before he gave his attention to me ,he dismissed his men and then he walk towards me and hug me tightly and I slide my hand on his back and clutch his shirt tightly,feeling his warm and smell.

"why did you came down??you should be on your bed ,resting"he said and parted himself from me and he cupped my face with both his hand.

I made a puppy face and look into his eyes and said,"I was bored of hearing to our parents emotional lectures.."he cuts me off,

"that's why you came down ,without listening to them"he said with a small smile.

"yes and no,I did asked their permission before I left my room and  also I was worried", I move my eyes from his.

"worried??for whom??"he asked in baffled .

I again turn my eyes on him and stare at him. Really!!!you don't know for whom I am worried ??

"Erica ,tell me whom you are worried about??"

"you,I am worried about you"I said


"because you take every matter in your own hand,you don't even rest yourself until everything is done or solve which I don't really like and also I can't do anything to help you but to keep worrying about it", I look down on my feet.

"look at me Erica !!Erica "and I slowly lifted my head up and he gave a smile .

"you don't have to worry about me and as far as me managing this matter or any other ,I'll give my best to clear everything out so that you can live your life happily and independently with me"when he said those last sentences it really moved my heart and tears began to form in my eyes .
"hey are you about to cry now"he asked with a grin.

I wiped those tears from my eyes and gave a bright smile.
"no,I am not but promise me you'll make time to sleep and take rest,promise,pinky promise"and I raise my little finger to him.

He chuckle to my pinky promise,he stare at my little finger but he did accepted it and grab my little finger with his little finger,"pinky promise!!"

Then the door bell ring and we both look at each other in baffled and as we were thinking who would come at his hour,mom yelled from the kitchen,"Richard ,your guest are here".

"guest"I said in confusion and look at Richard.

who could it be at this hour??

And who could be that Guest ??

hey guys another update for you all,

I hope you will enjoy going through it.

please vote and comment on it.

love you,


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