Chapter-2 Angel

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I decided to fulfill my parents,aunt Corey and uncle Robert wish to go with them to New York,upon hearing my answer which is yes,their faces were all lighten up with happiness and joy. My parents, aunt Corey and uncle Robert began to talk and I on the other hand was just there listening to their old stories .After talking for half an hour aunt Corey and uncle Robert went back to New York,but not before informing me that they will come back after some few days to take me with them to NY......

As they went I was just sitting at my usual seat and lose in my thoughts but finally my thought were short when  mama came and sat beside me and asked,"sweety ,what are you thinking??"

"mama ,I am thinking what will actually happen to my life when I go there??I mean here my life is full of horrible past and nightmares ,I can't even step out ,have to be home school my entire life and now,going there, will my life be normal I mean can I have peaceful life like others"I asked with fear plus in confusion....

Before they open their mouth they both look at each other and a smile appeared in both of their faces and papa spoke first,"of course you will sweety ,your life will take a complete turn over and this will be the beginning of your new life,so relax you don't have to be nervous nor scared and Richard will be there to look after you as well,after all you are his present and future wife."

Upon hearing that my face began to heat up and I hid my face on his arm,"papa,I am nobody's wife ,I am only yours and mama's daughter"...I hug  papa arm tightly.

He let out a laugh,"yes,yes,you are and you always be"he said and place a kiss at the crown of my head.

5 days passed by quickly and it was the day for me to leave for NY and I seriously don't want to leave them here but I have to because I can't stay here like this ,trap inside the four walls of my house,so I made up mind to go with aunt Corey and uncle Robert ..not to meet my so called future husband but to study,to explore myself,to know what it feels like to be out ,also I really want to graduate from a college ,so that I can help my parents after college,'mmm yes I ,will,come on Erica,you you must do it' my inner self encourage....

After packing all my stuffs ,I came down to the living room ,where my parents and aunt Corey and uncle Robert were all waiting for me. As I made my presence known upon reaching,mama asked"sweety,are you ready??"

I just nodded .....

"okay ,so my sweetheart ,you behave properly alright and no going out at night and listen to your aunt and uncle,alright"papa said in a strict tone,and I just nodded.

"Caleb relax ,she is adult now and she is matured enough to make her own decision and yes,one thing more she is going at my place not to a boarding school so don't you try scare her ...."uncle Robert said before placing his hand on my shoulder ,signaling me that he is against my papa's short disciplinary lecture....
"yes, papa I will listen to them"I said and papa is right I have to maintain myself and be in my best behavior even though uncle Robert maybe against my papa's disciplinary lectures and I am really going to miss that for a long time....

After saying goodbye to my parents,we flew off for NY. It was about 5hours flight and when we get off from the plane ,we headed to Winkleman's resident and it again took around 2 hours for us to reach and I was too tired from the long hours of traveling .When we reach the mansion,it was like a palace ,my house cannot be compared with this big house like I was oggling at the house with my mouth wide open....aunt Corey snap me out from my dream,and said "Erica come ,lets get inside"

I nodded and follwed them inside,when we enter I was greeted by the maids,butlers and bodyguard ,which made me take a step back.
Aunt Corey noticed me and she smile and said"come Erica ".
"o-okay"I replied with a stutter and step inside the living room and sat down on the couch...

Then a man walk in probably a secretary by the way he is dressed from head to toe and his posture and mannerism resemble .He came and stand beside Uncle Robert and said "sir,he is here"...
"okay!!!"Uncle Robert said sternly...

Who is here ,whom are they talking about,who is coming??same questions were repeating again and again on my head......
Then I heard a footstep coming from the entrance at the same time I saw a smile forming on aunt Corey face and I turn around to see why she was smiling and boomed....what I saw was like a dream an angel in human form.


Finally second chapter over.....
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love you,

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