Chapter-13 He can't be here

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Erica's POV***

He put one of his hand on my waist and the other on the back of my neck ,I tried to push him but he tugged me closer that made our body to collided ,I was so nervous and I said,"I-I think we should ju-just...."but I was cut off when he rubbed my lips with his finger and bend down near my ear and whispered ,

"I want to kiss you"

When I heard that I felt gossebums all over my body and I just stare at him and I saw that his eyes were on my lips ,we are too close .I thought that our lips are just about to collide and as I saw him about to kiss me , I close my eyes tightly. I was waiting for him to kiss me but he never kissed me,so I open my eyes,only to see him smirking .

"did you really thought that I would kiss you?"he asked as he push me away from him,only a slight push .

"I-I..."I tried to speak but nothing came out.

"come on ,I won't ever dare to kiss you nor touch you like today and also consider yourself to be lucky today "he said and began to wipe his hair with the towel.

"what do you mean? weren't you serious about kis..."I was cut off in between ,when he said,

"no I never intended to and why would I ever be serious about you"he smiled as he stare at me.

I felt a pang inside my heart as well as embarrassed at the same time because I thought that he would really kiss me and also I closed my eyes as he approach me.

I didn't thought that he would play with me but guess not after all he did play with me.

"would you mind going out from my room,I need to change"he said and walk towards his wardrobe and was looking through his shirt,since its the shirts section.

"are you going out?but you told Martha that we will have dinner together,then"I stated as I stare at his back.

He turn around and glare at me angrily and what came next really surprised me,he came and grab my arm tight and he said

"for your information I told Martha that I will have my dinner but never did mention about having it with you and to tell you,even if this is the only food left in the world ,I would never ever eat with you,got it,now get out",he push me out from his room before he slammed his door hard.

I think I should maintain my distance from him for some time and maybe he'll come to me.And I began to walk down the living room.

After some time ,Richard went out and I was their sitting alone having my dinner alone again but tonight I really don't have appetite so I was just playing with my spoon.
Then Martha came and said
"ma'am ,why aren't you eating ,is the food not up to your taste ?I can make another one ,if you like me to"she asked

"no its fine you don't have to and tonight I don't have appetite to eat anyway thank you for the dinner,I am going back to my room"I said as I stood up from my chair and walk up to my room.

Just as I entered ,I throw myself on bed and began to think about Richard .Does he truly hate me that much ?Should I just give up on him ,Erica you can't loose hope ,he will eventually come to you one day,you can't give up easily on him after all he is your first love.

"yes,I can't ,I won't mm...."I said while pulling my blanket over my body and then sleep took over.
As usual me and Richard reach college together and as we entered I saw Samuel ,so I ran towards him and said",good morning ,Samuel ",smiling at him

He patted my head and he said
"good morning,Erica ,so did you slept well last night?"

"yes,I slept well!!!how about you,did you??"I asked

"of course,I did"he said and stroke my hair.
"Erica ,do you want to go eat ice-cream later?"he asked

I nodded and happily said

"alright then!!!"

Then the bell rung off and I remembered that I have my first class to attend ,so I said
"I have to go ,now,I have class to attend"

"okay!!!enjoy your day and see you later after class"he said

"okay!!"I replied before I went away.

When I reached my classroom ,thank God the professor was not there so I entered the classroom and wished Emma before taking my seat. Some minutes later,professor came and began his class which lasted for about 1 and half hour ,after that another hour was taken by our textile management professor and after that its the end of the class.

Me and Emma walk out of the class and was talking around until I bump someone,as I lift my head up but only to see those three beautiful witches.

"don't you have eyes"Marissa yell while poking my head.

"you are the one who was in our way,she isn't and is it always necessary to walk like this in a straight cue like if one of you made a little mistake or take a step a back it feels like you guys will break"Emma said with a chuckled .

"what you, are you trying to insult us?"Marissa asked angrily.

"no,no,no not at all ,I was just asking because I wanted to know."she said in a teasing tone.

"you'll get it,come on girl"she said

"try me,you bitches"Emma said but whispered towards the end before they walk away.

"wow impressive "I said and clapped my hand.

"thanks and you must treat those type of bitches that way"she said

"okay,come lets go"and we walk down to the practical class.

Classes are over and I was waiting for Samuel at the entrance then I felt uneasy and feared took over me when I saw someone.
"H-he can't b-e he-re"I said with a stammer in every word I spoke

Then Richard ,Samuel and Jimmy came and Samuel said
"sorry we are late"
but I didn't spoke a word I kept on staring at him though he didn't saw me until Jimmy called my name out loud and he turn around only to see me staring at him with my eyes open wide .

I am sca-scared please hel-p me...

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