Chapter-35 Finally you are mine

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Erica's POV***

I don't know what important meeting he is talking about and that's too for 'us' what does he meant by that,God!!!who knows about that,only he knows.

"okay!!!"I said and sat on the couch .

"so did you came here to snarl at me for not picking you up??"he asked as he pick up a file and flipped the page over.

"mm...yes!!!"I replied while nodding my head and picked up a candy from my bag and put it inside my mouth.

He smirk at me and shook his head to what I have said ,"so you are really mad??"he said and he placed his files on the table before lifting his head up and walk towards me.

"yes of course I am mad at you cause you always stood me up and moreover,whenever you say that, something or the other always come up "I stated as I put my arms over my chest and pouted.

He sat on the other couch and cross his right leg over the other and asked,
"so are you going to continue being angry at me ??"

I glance at him from the corner of my eyes and he was smiling while looking at me.
"yes!!!"I replied him sternly.

"hmm...okay so even if I tell you that its about our wedding "he said

And as I heard about our marriage ,all my anger towards him a minute ago faded away and a genuine smile form in my face,"so are you going to be mad at me,if you are then I don't thin...."I cut him off in between,

"what??no, I am not angry with you who said I am angry"I said with a bright smile

He chuckle to what I said,"really!!"he said

"yes,so tell me what you have planned ,will you??"I asked excitingly

He didn't say anything and stare at me for a second before he beckoned me . I stood from my place and walk towards him and I stood in front of him then he pulled me by my waist close to him. I put both my hands over his chest and stare at him.

"tell me now,what you planned for our wedding??"I asked with my brightest smile.

He smirk ,"do you really want to know ??"he asked me again making me curious

"yes tell me already please!!"I begged.

"but I thought that you were mad because of my meetings??"he said teasingly and gave a smile.

I pouted and said ,"please tell me,I want to know,won't your share your plan with me,hmm..."and made a puppy face.

He peck on my pouted lips and said,
"okay then".


"the plan is I am going to marry you this month..."I nudge him and stare at him with my big green eyes.

"what??"he asked with a small smile.

"yo-you are go-going to marry me th-this mo-month,you are kidding right"I asked in stuttering along with a tight smile on my face.

He pulled me closed towards him and lean down now our face are close enough to kiss and softly said,
"do you think I am kidding??"

His husky voice really makes me melt every time he speaks, I don't know how will I be after we get married.

I shook my head signaling him that he is not kidding ,"no you are not so now tell me all the details about our marriage"I asked him as I adjust his tie.

He was still over my ear nibbing it which is quiet distracting,"I did plan to make a simple wedding just yours and my family,close friends and relatives and cousin but only close one,if that's fine with you"he stated

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