Chapter-3 outdated

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Erica's POV ~~~~

I heard a footsteps coming from the entrance at the same time I saw a smile forming on aunt Corey face and as I turn around to see why she was smiling and boomed....what I saw was like a dream,an angel in human form.....

He was super handsome,I mean his features are like model he would be probably 6'2 with his black jet hair that matches well with his green eyes and his light skin tone .And the clothes he is wearing really look dam hot on him. I wish that he is my so called husband,oh God!!!

I was just staring at him until uncle Robert called that handsome man"Richard ,good you came at right time".

Wait !!did uncle Robert called Richard ,Richard winkleman his only son ,my so called husband. oh thank you God ,you answered my prayer which I had been praying for last week.

"hey dad,why did you call me up??need any help"he aked,then his eyes fell on me,he was observing me from head to toe.

Then he said"mom,who is she ??a new maid".


My mouth went wide open ,when he called me a maid. Do I look like a maid,you????

"no Richard ,she is not a maid ,she is someone special to us and especially to you"aunt Corey replied.
And when uncle Robert was about to say something his phone rang and he went outside to attend his call.

"Richard meet Erica your wife and Erica ,he is Richard your hus..."aunt Corey was cut off in between when Richard said"What???she is what".
"your wife"she answered happily.

But then Richard doesn't seems happy to see me and he said "no way mom ,she can't be".
"what do you mean ??"aunt Corey asked now in a seriousness manner .

"I mean look at her ,she is so outdated the way she present herself and above all she look like a granny "he said looking at me.


"I don't really think I can cope up with her by the way she look like this OUTDATED"he stated emphasis on the word outdated.

What the hell, outdated oh gosh!!!please we only met just now and you are judging me without even trying to know who I really am???

He is such a bastard.
How am I going to live with this man ???God help me!!

"mmmm yes whosoever you are ,you can stay here for as much as you want but we really can't be together get that in your thick outdated head and stay out of my way,"he said with a smirk.

Outdated!!!again ,I am not going to hold it back this time,"you too mr. whosoever you are,I don't want to be with you either,so stay out of my way as well,"I replied him back angrily.

"whatever"he said and walk away.

I watch him walk up the stairs and finally he went inside a room.

"Rich....ard or whatever"I said angrily.

Mama ,papa ,how am I going to stay with him,he such an a*s,full of himself and what does he think of himself,gosh???

outdated !!!!

Another chapter is over again...

I wonder, what will happen to Erica 's new life??
Will she be able to have a peaceful life or will she suffer again because of Richard ???
let's be passion and find out in the next chapter...:):)

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