Chapter-17 She left for Boston

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Samuel 's POV***

When I heard what Richard did , really affected me. I fell a sting inside my heart because on knowing that the girl you like being kiss no not literally a kiss but doing that to the girl you like by some other boy really hurts a lot.

After hearing Richard out ,I can't really stay there anymore so I walked out from there and as I walking down the hallway ,I saw Erica standing in the middle of the hallway ,so I slowly and gently walk towards her and touch her shoulder which made her stiffened .

Then she slowly turn around ,only to see me but when I saw her face ,I saw fear in her eyes ,so I asked her,
"What's wrong ,Erica ?"

She shook her head and said,
"mm....nothing, I am fine",she gave me a tight smile.

I stare at her for a moment before I bend down to pick her cellphone and handed it to her.

"th-thank you"she stutter as she said and took her cellphone from my hand.

"so don't you have class,now"I asked her

"I have but I don't feel like going in today,so..."she replied

"okay,if its like that then would you like to go and grab something to eat or drink?"I asked

"o-okay!!!"she agreed and we went down to the college canteen.

After we got our self something to eat and drink,I asked her
"so how is living with Richard ,its been almost 1 and half month?"

"its fine"she said as she plays with her straw.

She seem lost as well like Richard this morning maybe because of Richard action last night. But I can't let that incident stuck in her mind and after all Richard said that he wasn't in his right mind. yes!!!I must cheer her up.

"hey Erica,did you heard about the party??"I asked her before taking a sip of my coffee, which made her lift her head up and look at me in confusion .

"guess ,you didn't actually some of my friends are throwing party for our final meet before graduation day"I said to clear her confusion and in an instant she smile.

"party,means your graduation party"she asked.


"can I join in as well?"

"yes you can come along too" I said and she began to drink again.

" everyone coming as well?"she asked

"yes I think everyone is going to come,why??"

"nothing by the way when is the party? "she asked and began to suck her drink.

I kept on staring at her and then I said,
"its next month on 10th,you are free right on that day"

"yes of course and ,I'll be there"she answered with her beautiful smile.

"and on that night I want to tell you something very important"

"tell me something important ,I wonder what's that?can't wait for that day"she said.

I nodded my head and we continued to drink. And on that night for sure I'll tell her how I feel for her ,wait for me Erica .

Erica's POV***

After talking with Samuel ,I decided to come home even though I have two more class left .And as I reach home ,I saw Richard seated on the couch going through some papers and I walk in the living room ,he lift his head and stare at me and our eyes meet again but lasted only for a second as he turn away and began to continue his work again.

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