Chapter-9 You will be staying under one roof

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Erica's POV**~~~

Just as I came out,I didn't care for anything and began to run as fast as possible trying to get away from all those people who called me by vulgar names and someone I never expected to go this far. Running for almost about thirty minutes ,I stopped and began to look around until when I realized.

"I am lost".

Thousands and thousands of questions pop up inside my head ,Where is this place?,Why am I here,Why did I ran away?,how will I go home?,which direction  should I take ?When can I be there?oh!!God help me!!!
And I began to walk around the street ,not knowing where I was going .I did tried to ask the people around where this place was and which way should I take if I wanted to reach my destination and some did told me about the way but I got lost of the track .After searching for almost three hours ,I couldn't find any route and the worst part is I kept my phone at home .And I am really weak in memorizing the numbers .It was getting dark and yet still I couldn't find my way,fear began to take over and when I accidentally passed by a group of bikers ,who seems to notice me ,began their eve teasing .

I began to walk as fast as I could ,trying to distant myself from them but then they seem to continue following me ,so again I began to run as fast as I could I was so lucky that those people didn't used their bikes instead they were chasing me by their feet running like me.

I was running and running ,but until before I fell flat on the ground ,I turn around to see that non of those people were following me anymore ,a sense of relief wash over my body but as I tried to get up a sting struck me on my knees and I saw blood on both of my knees. I was just sitting their looking at my wounds until something came and lick my hand and on seeing him a smile appeared on my face.

Richard's POV**~~~

After partying ,it was almost 6 in the evening ,so I decided to go home and as I reach home ,mom began to ask about Erica which I don't know,where she went?Mom was freaking out ,she can't sit still nor ate her dinner .Dad and me tried to convinced her to have some food but no,she is stubborn as always she refused to have her dinner until and unless Erica gets home .

She was sobbing hard and after every second checks on the door whether Erica is coming or not.
Dad had called the cops as well as ordered the bodyguards to find her.

Though they were searching for her for many hours ,they can't find her anywhere but they continued their search.

oh dam it!!!where could she have gone??If she doesn't know the way she could have just wait in the car not going away wherever she likes. She didn't even care ,how mom will be feeling right now. When she get home I am going ....but I was cut off from my thoughts,when a guard came in running, calling us.

"what's wrong?"dad asked as he stood up.

"sir,miss Erica is her..."before he could complete ,mom ran straight outside,we followed her behind and just as we came out we saw that she was all covered with muds plus her knee seem to be wounded .

"where have you been ??and why are you like this??"mom asked with full of concerned in her tone.

"yes ,where have you been ,we were all worried "dad asked.

"I got lost "she said with a smile.

"lost...??but how,weren't you with Richard and his friends ??"mom asked again.

She look at me before she avert her eyes on mom,"ye-yes,bu....aun...t.."she couldn't continue  her words  because of the pain that her knees is causing ,then all of the sudden her leg began to wobble and a tear fell from her eyes.

"oh sweetheart don't cry come here"mom said while giving a hug of assurance .
"come let's get inside and clean your wounds up"

She just nodded and walk inside.

The doctor arrived after a few minutes and began to treat her wounds and while the doctor was treating her she was making lots of noise ,screaming and sobbing at the same time. After the doctor is done treating her wound ,the doctor gave some medicine to apply on her wounds and some painkillers because her wound seem deep. After that the doctor went away.

"sweety you alright"mom asked.

She nodded and said "but it stings a bit"while touching her knee.

"it will get better soon so just relax ,alright"mom said while trying to comfort her.

"mmm okay"she replied.

"now,tell us did something happen while shopping or in the club,I heard that you went there ,why did you ran away like that,tell us sweety"dad asked.

"um..."she said and glance at me before turning her attention back to my parents again.

"did anyone said something to you??and I was reported that you were sobbing and drench as well while you were making your way out from the club house,tell us "Dad asked again with worries all over her face.

I was so sure that she would tell them about the bulling things going around her and I just kept on staring at her ,she also stare back at me but with a smile on her face and what she said changed every single thoughts of mine .

"no ,its nothing like that actually I forgot something to buy and as I was making myself out I bumped with a guy and his glass poured all over me and about my tears ,I thought that I wouldn't be able to get those "she explain.
No one will believed such a lame excuses.

Mom and dad look at each other before they focus on her,"okay,but what are those that you wanted to buy??and even went to the risk of making this marks on your knees"mom asked her.

"actually the Doraemon keychain and figuring dolls had been on sale only today and I needed them badly so I rush out m....I am sorry ,I will never do anything stupid things again,please do forgive me"she begged in her words.

"you went this far only to get a keychain and figuring doll,oh really are you still in high school or what??because non of your age would fall for those kind things  ,please grow up"I stated with a grit in my tone.

"I am a grown up now and only an animation lover can know how much those figuring and keychain meant ??"she replied back at me.

"whatever forget it ,even if how much you explain to me about those figuring or whatsoever of yours,I can't never understand it"I said.

She just pouted and that pout on her face really shake my whole body I mean she looks cute at the same time sexy,those sexy lips of hers ,I want to touch it with my li......oh !!!for heaven sake ,what am I thinking??Richard come on ,you really can't be serious thinking about her like that. Please come back to reality...

"dad,why did you call me here,I don't think you only call me here to hear those explanation of hers"I asked

"oh no not at all"he said

"then why ??what's the reason??"I asked again

"actually son,you are about to get over with your college in three months and Erica is also in the colle...."I cut him off in between
"just get to the point,dad"I said felling annoyed.

"okay then ,you and Erica from next month will be staying together in one roof alone"mom said with a grin .
Me and Erica both stare at each other and we both said in disbelief


ME and HER....
under one roof ,alone...
Here is another long update for you guys..And if you enjoyed reading.

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love you


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