Chapter-16 welcome to hell Erica

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Richard's POV ***

This evening I planned to spend the rest of the day in the company after class but since I decided to take Erica to dinner with me,I decided not to and went home with her. I thought that the dinner plan will help her to stay away from asking question but no,in fact she kept on asking what she'll wear,I told she can wear anything but she being a stubborn headed,told me she need to look beautiful and perfect for me,oh God !!!what in the world goes inside her head.

For me ,I put on a navy blue shirt along with a black blazer and a black pants with a matching black shoes . I put on some perfumes and my wristwatch ,grab my handkerchief ,wallet and my cellphone and came out to the living room ,waiting for her.

It was almost twenty minutes and she didn't came down,then after a minute or so ,she descend down the stairs ,my eyes never  left her sight ,she look so beautiful in her baby pink lacy gather dress that ends just above her knee,her dress was a sleeveless which shows off her smooth and white arms and legs including her bear back ,yes it was back less .She was looking  so gorgeous in that dress with her hair tied in a ponytail and a hanging ear rings  and I also noticed her putting on some makeups which was rare.

As she reach the living room and walk towards me ,something was happening inside me  I mean my heart was pumping fast,relax!!!relax Richard ,take a deep breath .I sigh and look at her,she smile and said,

"sorry,I kept you waiting"

"no,its fine,come on"

she nodded and we walk out from the house and drove away.
On reaching the restaurant ,we went inside and as we entered we saw Marcus's brother in law seated with two gentlemen beside him.

"come they are waiting for us"I inform her a while ago that Marcus's brother in law will be there as well and she didn't say or asked anything in fact she was so happy about the fact that we are going out together and she also told me that she won't disturbed us and stay quiet during our meeting.

When we reached the table,Marcus brother in law and the two men stood up and Marcus's brother in law ,tuck his hand to shake mine ,I shake his hand.
"thank you Mr.winkleman for coming,I am Michael Simpson and they are my team "he said

"its my pleasure"

"and she must be your girlfriend"he asked

Before I answer to them ,I took a glance at her and she just gave a small but sweet smile ,I smile back at her .And turn to them again.

"yes,she is"I replied. What ,what did I just say,crap!!!

"please to meet you miss"and he tuck his hand to her.

Instead of extending her hand she  look at me into my eyes as if seeking for my approval and I was right ,only after I nodded,she happily extended her hand to shake his hand.

"please to meet you as well Mr. Simpson "she  replied.

"please have a seat both of you"Michael said

And we all took our seats ,and me and Michael including the two gentlemen began  our meeting about our upcoming project in Las Vegas. We talk for about I think two hours and while discussing,I tried to look after Erica as well ,as she was quietly sitting beside me and listening to us ,at first she was listening with full attention but after an hour or so she began to yawn ,which form a smile on my face. But as our meeting was over and the food was brought in,her face lighted up by seeing the food.

"help yourself miss Erica and sorry for the long meeting"Michael said since he must have also noticed her yawn and drowsiness,  during the meeting.

She happily nodded as she stuff some lettuce inside her mouth.

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