Chapter-31 Evidence

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Erica's POV***

I don't know what got into me and made me slap that bastard but I felt much relieved after that and saying that out loud to him. But then something inside me still fear them specially Melvin,he can do anything if he is angry and right now he is really ,really,really angry!!!

"you ,how dare you to slapped me and to raise your voice against me no all of us..."I cut him off,

"Why shouldn't I raise my voice out ,I have my own freedom and will to speak ,I am not living under anyone of you nor belong to anyone ,who are you to order... or say threaten or torture me,I don't belong to anybody so just stop ordering me,got it,Melvin Gibson and yes seduction thing I didn't seduced him nor anybody ,it is my real and true feeling for him and its through that, that I won him "I stated though I plan to say that out sternly but it only came out in a gentle tone. Damn this voice of mine!!!

He then chuckle to what I said and he nudged me and said,
"you really think I'll be scared of that you piece of trash"and he raised his hand to hit me but only if he could lay his hand on me,Richard grab his wrist and glare at him.

I went behind his back and hide myself .oh great!!!so much of showing off the bravery act Erica,now you are hiding behind Richard,Please for Christ sake!!!

"wrong move Melvin"Richard said and push Melvin which made him to stumble and as he tried to attack Richard again Mr Gibson stop him .

"enough Melvin!!!"

"but grandfath...."Melvin tried to protest but his grandfather stop him.

"I said enough and Mr Winkleman if I sign the papers will you let us off"Mr Gibson asked as he took the file and got ready to sign the papers.

"yes of course!!I will..."Richard replied with a smirk but that smirk on his face tell me something else,what exactly is he planning ,now???

Then he turn towards me and grin at me ,I gave a small smile.

"grandfather are you really going to sign those papers??if he is fooling us then what will we do later??"Melvin asked with concerned ,this Melvin he is smarter than anyone can think of,his brain is like...I don't know how I will explain it but he sure is smart .

"I'll decide what I should do and I know what I have to do,now"he said and then took out his pen and began to sign all the papers,I don't know what all those papers are about but I will surely and definitely asked Richard all about it later.
"Here now leave us alone!!"Mr Gibson said as he place the files on the table.

Fred took both the files and said,
"thank you Mr Gibson for your cooperation "and walk behind Richard where he was standing before.

"alright then we will take our leave now ,Mr Winkleman ,hope we won't encounter again"and as they were about to excuse themselves .Richard stop them again when he made a soft laugh.They all turn around with confusion all over their faces.

"what's there to laugh about Richard ??"Melvin asked with an angry tone.

"who said we are done ,I had only began the meeting and you are leaving??"Richard replied with a smirk.

"what do you mean Mr winkleman??" Mr Gibson asked still confused.

"I mean the purpose of the meeting is not only to discuss about your scamming or the new factory you are to set up"Richard stated and he cross his arms over his chest.

"I knew it ,there will be something else behind this meeting see grandfather I told you right ,he is a cunning man "Melvin said with a fake smile on his face.

"what is it??what is there more??"Mr Gibson asked.

"remove Erica's name from all those factory which you all had put it up against her"Richard stated with full of seriousness in his tone.

Mr Gibson chuckle and he said,
"how can we, its her, who put it up with the help of some rich man ??"

"yes grandfather is right ,to began with ,she went and her parents seduce rich men and set up those factories so that she could destroy our community with all those smokes and new machines"Melvin stated with full of rage .

Richard just remain silent and was listening to them as they talk about me nonsensical .

"those rich bastard even came here and tried to brought our land but we didn't let them, in fact we didn't let them even enter our state and when we asked them who told them that the land here is for sell,they told that its Erica who told them and was for sale" a man said .

Richard chuckle to their statement before he walk towards Melvin and adjust his shirt color and said,
"really!!!are you guys sure that she was the one at fault cause what I heard from them is not like what you guys are describing, I mean look at her she is so innocent ,she can't even fight and also she hardly talk back to others and even if she did she isn't confident about it ,so how can she"

What??really ,you think of me as a weak as well,yes I know that!!!but I can't believe my ears he just said that in front of all of them ,in front of me!!really!!!

"how can she really be the one,I don't think so and above all I went through the original papers of the land you posses here and I saw that its under your grandson name Melvin Gibson , right Melvin"Richard stated which made them tense a bit.

"where did you go..."when Melvin was to speak Richard interrupted him,

"your lawyer was indeed a money lover cause I thought that it will be hard to convinced him but when we told him we are ready to pay him 1 million dollar,he just gave in,what a selfish lawyer ,you had there, Mr Gibson??"Richard said

"how dare you??bribe my lawyer"Mr Gibson snarled

"what did you thought you could easily put all the blame on her so that the people here could always hate her ,treat her like she is not a human being"Richard said sternly as he glare at Mr Gibson .
" I won't let them do that to her as long as I am alive and by now they might received my email about the clarification of those factory you owned here"

Mr Gibson gave a fake smile and said,
"do you think that they will believed you that those factories were all set up by us ,I mean even if you send those emails to them do you think that they'll believed those piece of shits of yours",he glare at me which made me shiver .
"you don't have any evidence that those factories were ours 'the Gibson's property'."and gave an evil smile.

Richard shook his head in a disappointed way and he put his head down ,like he is in a deep thought.

"how will you prove her innocence now MR RICHARD WINKLEMAN,you will never be able to prove her innocence and those properties of our stays with us"Melvin said.

And as I turn my attention to Richard ,he was already staring at me,I gave him a small to ensure that its fine but what he gave me in return startle me ,he gave a peck on my lips,I stare at him and he wink at me,I gave a small smile and shook my head at his action.

Then he turn his attention back to the guest who had been here for almost an hour now,they were all staring and glaring at us.

"please Mr Winkleman ,now is not the time to romance ,you can take your romance after we excuse ourselves" Melvin said

"sorry about that but I can't really resist myself when she is near me, right my Erica"Richard said and wink at me making me blush.

"cut that crap of yours!!!we are leaving now,come grandfather " Melvin said angrily and as they were about to step outside. Richard spoke which made them to stop on their track for the third time.

"wait who said we don't have anything to talk about and about the evidence I have already in my hands in fact I don't really need to show it to those people because they are already watching to everything what we have discuss and talk about?"Richard said and set on the couch with a smile on his face.

what he did live telecast ,I mean how no when did he prepared all this???

Hey guys another update for you all,

hope you all will enjoy going through it.

please vote and comment on it.

love you,


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