Chapter-6 Take her with you

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Erica's POV~~~

I stood firm at my place as I began to think what should I do ,now. I was feeling scared and uneasy from inside but my inner self on the other side told me that I shouldn't give in to them even if they are my senior ,I should never show my weakness nor fear towards them,so I manage myself and raise my head up to face them.

"I am not going to sleep nor be your slaves,why don't you go and pick someone else ,whom you guys think is capable of doing your work but not me,"I glare at each of them before continuing,"and don't you guys ever threaten me,now please excuse me ,I have class to attend "I state sternly and push pass them and went away for my class.

I made my way to my class and there, I meet a girl name Emma,she is a tomboy ,sit like a boy ,dress like a boy and everything like a boy but she is good to hang out. Though we just meet,we click in together now she is my first friend,that I ever had in my oass 13years.

Time flew by quickly and the class was over for the day. I rush outside and got inside the car and drove away.

As I got home I was greeted by my aunt which I greeted her back after that I rush up to my room and rang up my parents and told them everything, of course leaving aside the bullying, I think,I talk to them for more than an hour .

Richard POV~~~

Today was an off day at college,so I decided to go to the company. I was going through my files,I was so engross into my work that I forgot its already twelve and my mom would be waiting for me and dad for lunch in the meeting room. So, I keep my work aside and started clearing my table,then someone knock on  the door .I stop what I was doing and answer with a 'come in'.

As the door open ,I was surprise to see her,never expect her to be here,"what are you doing here??"I snarled.

"of course I am here to give you your lunch"she said with a smile on her face.

"lunch "I said in baffled .

"mmm here"she said and walk towards my table and  place the lunch box on my table and open the covers of the lunch box.

I stare at her as she open the lunch box but all of the sudden she lift her head up and look at me into my eyes and said,"its ready,eat before it gets cold".

"mmm ok...okay"I stammered .Why am I stammering stupid ,come on you don't like her ,she is just a piece of shit,"I know that you don't have to tell me", I snatch the spoon from her hand and began to eat.

While I was eating ,I notice that she was looking at my office with amazement all over her face, as if she is seeing for the first time.

"uhmm,Richard I didn't know that your work place would be this big,its really splendid."she said in full of amazement .

"What did you expect??a cozy, ordinary office"I said as I eat my salad.

"no,its just ,its beyond my imagination anyway did you like those dumplings ,I made it myself"she state with amuse.

"Actually no ,its not good at all, "I said with a straight face.

"what??really,I tasted before packing,"she question with a frown.

"yes,really,what do you expect it will be good ,well,I am sorry to disappoint you but to tell you the truth its not good at all,"I answer her .Though it was tasty I can't just say that to her because she and I belong to two different world and I would never fall for her.

She stare at the lunch box for second, before shaking her head,"oh!!!forget about those dumplings,you know something today I got bull...."she was cut off in between when mom came in and said

"are you both done??"

"yes,aunt"she replied happily .

"alright then ,we are heading home ,now"she stated.

"mom,is dad leaving as well?"I question as I wipe my mouth with the napkin.

"no,Why?"mom asked again.

"no,its nothing,oh yes I am going to the mall with Jimmy and Samuel today"I said while arranging my files.

"oh that's great,why don't you take Erica with you and she need to do some shopping as well"she said

"no mom ,I can't and we aren't going to women section and what will she do if we aren't going there..."I said trying to change her mind.

"you can spare sometime for her"she said while arranging the lunch boxes.

"but mom,we...."but I was cut off.

"no you boys will take her with you and help her shop ,its final"she ordered .

when mom says its final,that means its final no one,no word can change her mind not even me nor dad,so I have to give up,when I heard the word FINAL from her mouth.

"Okay,fine,but YOU don't get in my way"I warned her while pointing my index finger at her.

My mom slap my hand off,and she said happily"now,sweety here used this and get anything for yourself, alright" and pat her head.

She just nodded.

"come on"I ordered before walking out of my cabin.

Let's get you shopping ...Erica..

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