Chapter-32 Repay!!!

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Richard's POV***

For a second I totally forgot about those cameras that I set all over the house also I have connected this camera to air on TV around this area ,so that whoever is watching television only this recording will appear in every channel for I don't know how many hours but I want to make sure that whosoever is watching I want to show them the real face of Gibson's family which I had succeeded .Now they are doomed!!!

"so how do you like my final surprise,Mr Gibson"I asked with a smile

They didn't say any word and just glare at me.

"you!!!..."as Melvin was about to say something,the cop came in ,

"Mr Gibson you need to come with us to the station for enquiry ??" one of the cop said as he cease his hands with the handcuffs

"but why are you taking him in??"Melvin asked with baffled.

"he is charge of extortion as well as for scamming as we already saw and heard it,"he replied before taking Mr Gibson away.

Melvin stood their in surprise thinking as to what went wrong.

I approach the officer who was talking with Fred ,"thank you so much officer "I said as I shake his hand

"no ,its our duty.... and also we must thank you for revealing the truth about the Gibson cause we couldn't do anything for that poor girl ,we did tried to stopped those people but I don't know how they find their way to caused her harm"the officer said while looking at Erica ,who is now talking with her mom and my mom.

I smiled and just stare at her for a second then I diverted my attention back to the officer and we began to talk but as we were talking I heard a scream from behind.

As we all turn around,our eyes all widen by the scene and what I saw really makes me furious ,I didn't thought of no one and run towards him and punch his face which made him a bit dizzy and stumble too,then I grab him by his color and punch him again and again which made him to bleed .Fred ,Lincoln ,the officer as well as uncle and dad came to stop me but I push them all because when Melvin stab the knife inside her ,I don't know where but she fell on the floor and that made me exploited up my anger.

I was punching him again and again and I made up my mind that I won't leave him until he is death but then her voice made me to stopped .I turn around only to see her standing with her arms spread with a weak smile on her face. It didn't took me a second to run towards her and hug her ,hold her tidy ,fragile body in my arms.

"are you alright??"I asked her as I held her tightly.

"yes ,I am fine,don't worry "and she snuggle into my embrace .

"I thought that I had failed to protect you again..."a tear fell from my eyes then all of the sudden she parted from my embrace and lift her head up and stare at me and shook her head.

"when did you became so sensitive,I don't remember my boyfriend being this sensitive??"she asked teasingly.

I wiped away my tears and said,
"this is no....forget it"and I tried to pulled away but she tugged me again and grin at me before snuggle into me again.

"I like this Richard better"she said as she snuggle into me.

I patted her head and place a kiss on her head.

A minute or so ,the officer took Melvin away ,then I called a doctor to treat Erica's wounds and while the doctor was treating her wound ,she kept on moaning in pain and I tried to comfort her but instead of being thankful, she threw her tantrums on me as if like she is on her period. And when the doctor was done treating her ,she rush up to her room even without talking forget about talking she didn't even glance at me .What's wrong with her now??

"hey dude!!!"Fred said

"yeah!!!"I replied

"here are some papers that need your signature ?? its about Gibson's factories that are set up here which we will soon brake it"he said.

"okay!!!",I signed all the papers without going through it but I have faith in Fred ,so I just signed it.
"is that all??"I asked

"yes!!!for now"he replied

"okay"and he walks away and as I was about to make my way up to the stairs ,Erica's mom stop me.

"son"she said

I turn around and gave a smile.
"yes aunt"I said

Then all of the sudden tears fell on her checks,"thank you so much son for helping my daughter from all this",she said ,"if you weren't here then we wouldn't be able to come out from this situations,its because of you that we can now live freely"and she grab both my hand .
"how can we ever repay you ,we don't have anything to give you??"

What REPAY???hmmm this is my chance to asked for that??

I stare at her then when I heard the REPAY thing something pope inside my mind and I said,"yes you can aunt... actually I don't need anything in turn but if I don't take this opportunity then I might regret later on and I don't want regrets in my life"

She stare at me with confusion and she asked,"what is that??"

I grin at her and I said ,"something very special...."she stare at me still confused.

Hey another update for you all,

And guys only three to four more chapters left before I complete this story and I can't believe myself that I have manage to reach till 32 chapters excluding the prologue,never in my life thought that I could manage this long.Anyway I'll update soon again ,hope you will enjoy this chapter.

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love you


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