Chapter-27 You are like a mother to me

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Richard's POV***

After our making out session, she was already fast asleep  maybe because she was tired after the long travelled because we didn't do much yes I kissed her lips as well as umm...body but nothing more .

I kept on staring at her peaceful and beautiful face.I must say, when she is sleeping like this she looks like a baby .I kissed her cheek before getting off from the bed. I put on my shirt, pick up my watch and cellphone but before I walk out I took a last glance at her and then make my way downstairs .

As I step my foot in the living room, mom rush towards me and cling on my arm and asked,"so have you done it??tell me come on don't be shy,come on",she began to pulled my arm.


"come on ,son you can tell me"she said with a smile.

I pulled my hand away from her grip and glare at her.

"what's  with that look and do you think I'll be scared from that glare of yours,no,I am never going to,did you forgot I am your mother"she stated before slapping my back hard.

"I didn't forget that you are my curiosity mother but I am never telling or sharing about my personal moment with anyone not even you,so just give up,Mrs Winkleman"I said and walk away from her but she being the curiosity mother ,never gives up and came after me again. If she is a curiosity mother than I am also a stubborn son of hers so never in my life going to share about my intimate moment with anyone.

When I make my way outside the backyard along with my mom clinging,I noticed that a serious talk was going on between dad and Uncle Caleb,so I asked mom about it and she told me that they were talking about the visit of those people this afternoon .As I heard that they were talking about those people ,I rush myself towards them and as they saw me,they both look at me with a smile .

"dad,uncle,why did they came over here??"I asked in all seriousness.

"son,they want her to go away from here and there life"Uncle Caleb said with so much pain.

"what do you mean,they want her to go away???"I asked again.

Dad sighted before he open his mouth,"you see son,the Gibson's family has falsely accused Erica again saying that she is trying to destroy their farmland to set up a new agricultural factory there with the help of us and for that they want Erica out of the city before they take any action against her"he explain

After I heard that my inner anger was about to explode but I controlled myself and I heard Aunt Christy sobbing and she said,"Caleb I can't see her suffer again,please do something and even if we tell her to go away from here,she won't listen you know right",she stare at Uncle Caleb with teary eyes.

"yes,I know sweetheart but we need to get her out of this situations once and for all"Uncle stated.

They were all in their deep thought full of worry, stress and tensions all over their face then I excuse myself when my phone rang,I walk towards the garden and then answered the call.
"hey Fred!!!"

"I had prepared everything Richard that you had asked me and you will be startle after going through some of their files"

"thanks man but I want you to look on through something again"I said

"sure,what is it??"he asked

"I want you to look through the new factory which is about to be setup here ,I want you to check in whose name the industry is about to be setup also I want each and every detail of the industries and... ."I stop

"and!!what??"he asked

"and I want you here personally when you find about the details,got it"I ordered

"yes boss anything you say"he replied.

"alright then!!!see you soon"and I hung up and as I turn around I saw Aunt Christy ,"aunt!!!"

"son,I know Erica can be childish sometime and also a burdensome but please don't leave her side ,please keep her happy because I  don't want to let her suffer again,please I beg of you to hel...."I cut her off in between

"no Aunt you don't have to plead in front of me like this because you are like a mother to me and also Erica is a part of my life now and my responsibility,I am not going to let anyone touch or harm her again snd not only her but from now on I am going to take responsibility for your and Uncle safety as well "I stated firmly.

How can I let her plead to me??never in my life ,I am going let her going to plead in front of me??

She gave a small smile but with a glittery eyes ,so its from her that Erica got those emotional side .

I held her tightly and said,"Aunt don't cry,you know Erica is exactly like you,she cry a lot " she got parted from my hold and grin at me,"yes of course ,she is ,whose daughter is she after all?and son I am really fortunate to have you by my daughter side"she said.

I shook my head and grab her hand and said"no Aunt ,I am fortunate to you and Uncle for giving such a daughter like Erica because if I didn't meet her then I won't have understand what true love really means ,its her who moved and change my heart,so thank you Aunt "

She patted my face and said,
"you really are made for my Erica ".I rub the back of my neck and gave a smile ,fu*k!!!am I blushing .You can't Richard .

Then I heard my phone buzz and I look at the ID and its from my personal lawyer so I excuse myself from her and received the call.
"yes Albert!!!"

"Mr Winkleman ,I have gone through the previous industries documents and its all under Gibson's son name Melvin Gibson  and also I got some scamming papers  as well"

"Okay ,we'll discuss the detail later when you get here?"I said

"okay Mr Winkleman"he replied and hung up.

Mr Gibson now you will pay for what you had done to Day's family especially to Erica ,now I won't sit back ,I'll make you and your family pay for what you have done to Erica .

Then I was brought back from my trance when someone held me from my back and I exactly know who it is. I turn around only to see my girl who is grinning at me.
"when  did you woke up??"I asked her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

She then put both her arms around my neck and then said,"a minute ago and you ,I thought that you were sleeping beside me but no,you weren't and if you were to go out from my room ,you should have woke me up",she pouted while staring right into my eyes.

I stare back into her green round eye and peck her lips which made her green eyes widen more,"how can I disturbed your sleep ?"I stated

"what do you mean??"she asked in baffled

"I mean you were sleeping so peacefully ,how can I ever dare to disturb your sleep also you look beautiful even when you were asleep"I stated and my words made her cheeks flush red and she buried her face on chest and muttered,

"I love you"

"love you too"and I place a kiss on top of her head.

Two days passed and Fred and my personal lawyer are on their way here and I am glad that things will be all solved and Erica can live her life freely,she now will be able to do anything and everything comfortably and in her own will without no restrictions or fear .I can't wait for that day,I can't wait to claim all of her and make it mine. I...

I then heard a scream outside and its sound like mom and Aunt Corey. Me ,dad and Uncle stare at each other before rushing outside.

As we reach out to the backyard,my eyes widen when I saw the scene,
"Erica !!!"I yelled out loud.

Erica!!!who the fu*k did this to her ??who hurt her??

Hey guys another update for you all,

I hope you will enjoy going through it.

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love you,



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