Chapter-21 the past

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Erica's POV***

"what do you mean,you aren't coming?"he yelled

"I said I don't want to come so,I won't come"I leisurely said as I adjust my bed covers.

"but why??"he asked still looking at me by my side.

"nothing particular but I just don't want to"

"but there mus...."I cut him off

"nothing ,I don't have any reason and will you please go out,I want to get some sleep"I said as I turn towards him to face him.

"tell me at least why...." I closed his mouth with my hand and said,"shut up !!now go to bed we'll talk tomorrow ",and I began to push him but he was so strong that he wasn't moving a bit.

"no I won't leave until ,you give me a reason"he demanded and cross his arm over his chest and glare at me.

I stare at him for a second and then I replied ,"okay fine ,if you really want to stay here than stay because I am going to my parents room to sleep",I went and grab my pillow and just as I was about to pass him ,he grab my wrist and said,"wait you don't have to go anywhere but by tomorrow  I need your answer,understand"he order

I nodded my head before he went out from my room. And as he went,I stuck my tongue at him and jumped back on my bed and began to roll over my bed cover and said to myself ,"I am never going to give you a reason,Mr Richard Winkleman"and soon after sleep took over me .
I was helping my mom and aunt making lunch while dad,uncle and Richard ,they were in the living room discussing about the project in Dubai which Richard is going to handle next month after his graduation ,yes,he is finally graduating,just by the thought of him getting graduate makes me sad. I wish I was of his age so that we can graduate together but guess not in this generation,oh well!!!

Then I fell a sting on my pointing finger before I mutter,an"ouch!!",I take a look at my finger and it has a cut on it and blood were dripping out even though its just a small cut. I just kept on staring at it without putting anything on it. Then mom lapped my back from behind and yell,"Erica,you cut yourself, again"

Before I could say anything, Richard came and pulled my hand which had the cut on it and was looking at it and then stare at me but I rolled my eyes away from him.

"aunt,where is the first aid ?"he asked while still holding my finger.

"its in the shelf"I replied back to him as mom was busily cooking again with aunt Corey.

He glance at me for a second before going to the shelf to grab the kit. As he bought the kit,he pulled me and sat me down on the chair and open the first aid box ,took out some cotton and rub of my blood and began to dress my wound with antiseptic cream and band aid,as he was busy taking care of my wound ,I never let my eyes got off from him,I kept on staring at him,until I heard ,"if you keep on staring at me like that I won't hold back to do something which I never did to anyone?",he smirk at me ,after hearing him out,I immediately look away and lower my head with embarrassment .

He then ruffled my hair and before walking out from the kitchen,he level himself as me and whisper in my ear.
"relax I won't do anything, now"and  he walk away .

I sighted after he left and then look at my finger which is now covered with a band aid ,I kept staring at it and place a kiss on it.
I love it when you care for me like this and I wish you will for the rest of your life but only if you want me. Then I pick up an onion and began to chop again.

After our lunch,mom,dad,aunt Corey ,Uncle Robert and Richard ,they were all in the living room and discussing about something serious and I wasn't that interested in their talks so I just went up to my room , grab my novel and went straight under the covers of my bed and began to read my novel then as I was reading through the novel ,I got startle and threw away my book when Richard dash in without even knocking.

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