Chapter-10 the person is known other then Samuel

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Richard's POV

After what dad and mom told ,I couldn't sleep because of the thought of staying under one roof,I am going to die if I stay together with her even only for a minute but ...because of this 'but' I have to and there is a reason. And even now we are together in the car going to college.

The drive was silent until we make our way inside and as we were walking silently, Jimmy pop out from nowhere and he said "good morning love birds oops sorry I mean newly married couple."

"good morning and one more thing we aren't married yet nor love birds"I said with a grits .

"okay,dude got it and you mind if I have some fun with her"he asked with a smile on his face and one of his arm around my neck.

Before I answer ,I don't know why but something inside me told me to look at her before I answer,I glance at her ,she was just standing there,her big green eyes were staring at me and waiting for my answer.

I diverted my attention back to Jimmy and said "you can do whatever you want ,she doesn't mean anything to me"I saw that her facial expression was replace with sadness and she didn't say anything and walk away.

"see you later,Erica "Jimmy said.

I watch her back until it disappeared behind the huge wooden door.

"lets get to class "I order.

"okay dude "he said with full of excitement and we walk away to our class.

Time went by quickly and it was break time,me and my gang along with Marissa and Rebecca,we were all sitting on our usual seat and chatting ,then Rebecca said,
"guys, guys ,she is coming",we all turn around to see who is she referring to and then it was her ,Erica ,she was on her way towards us,alone.

"guys ,just wait and watch"Marissa said with a smile .Everyone was pretending to talk and as she came toward us she fell flat on the ground because Marissa was planning to make her fall by stretching her leg and make her fall which she had accomplished .

"oh I am so sorry dear,I didn't mean to,are you hurt??"Marissa asked pretending to be worried .

"I am fine"she said and she tried to get up but she fell flat on her butt.

"oh no you aren't ,let me help you,"Marissa approach her hand to help her but then when she gave her hand, before she could get up Marissa drop her again on the floor which made her hurt her knees for the second time.

"oops sorry but I can't because I don't like touching people who are low I mean who are not like me??"she said with a grin .

Then I saw tears falling on her cheeks and something inside me told me to help her but my ego won't allow me to. Everyone in the canteen began to gossip ,shouting out something to her, laughing and all eyes were on her,she struggled but manage to get up by now both her knees were bleeding ,she pick up her tray and was about to clean the food,but when a person came in and grab her hand , it surprised me because the person is known other then 'Samuel' .

"leave it,I'll tell our canteen head to clean it"he said while holding her hand.

"b-but..."she said while stammering .

"its fine and your knees are bleeding ,lets go to infirmary , come"and he took the tray from her hand and kept it on the table and he put one hand on her shoulder and the other hold her hand and they went away.

"what's wrong with him,isn't he supposed to help us not HER??"Rick said with a confused look.

"yeah!!"Jimmy said.

I didn't say anything and kept on looking at the entrance .

Erica's POV**~~

After the lunch break all classes were call off for the day and I came out slowly like a snail because the stitches on my knees all came out when I bend my knees ,on the other hand Emma who is now walking beside me is really worried like my mom and aunt,after every second she used to glanced at me even during class and still now.

"are you sure ,you don't want me to carry you?"she asked with concerned written all over her face.

"yes my friend ,I am fine ,don't worry"I said with a smile though giving a smile was really difficult because of the pain my knee is causing.

"you know you don't have to bear him nor his friends ,just complain it already"she said.

"no,I can't if I do that my love for him will never succeed "I stated.

"oh man ,you and your love,but you know right he doesn't even love you nor care for you ,he let his friends bullied you ,torture you,he is a jerk",she said with full of anger.

"actually I don't care about that all ,all I want is to stay by his side forever"I said with a genuine smile.

"you seriously are crazy,"she said while looking at me with no expression .

"yes,from the day when I first came to their house and saw him there,I fell in love with him"I said while lost in my thoughts .

She snap her finger and said "love bird ,please come back to earth".

"sorry,I was lost again".

"alright then be careful ,I'll be going now and guess your love is waiting for you inside ,see you tomorrow "she said teasingly .

I nodded and said "mmm...okay see you"

And I walk to the car then there I saw Richard's back so I happily open the door but my happiness didn't last because what I saw inside with my eyes made me dumbstruck ,I feel like I was being stab in my heart.


Another update for you guys,

Sorry guys I couldn't update yesterday because I was busy on a funeral ,it was a hectic day and I was so tired that my head my blank.

Anyway,what did Erica saw which made her dumbstruck??
find out in the next chapter.

A bit preview for the next chapter,Erica and Richard will be moving to their own house in the next chapter,their will be argument between them and from there Richard will find out her feelings for him??stay tune for the next.


love you,


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