Chapter-11 I love you.

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Erica 's POV**~~~

I was dumbstruck ,when I saw them cuddling and kissing,I can't believe my eyes,my man is kissing some other girl,I can't believed it and I felt a sting in my heart. I just stood there staring at them until I spoke up,


They both stop and turn around only to see me standing there and he said
"yeah,do you need anything ?"

"who is she baby?"she asked before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"she ,she is nobody"he said while grabbing her waist.
"you ,do you need anything ?if you don't then ,would you mine?"

"umm...."I said

"excuse us will you ,you bitch and please knock before you open others car"she said in harsh tone.

I didn't say anything and walk away from the car and soon they closed the door and began to continue what they were doing before. I just stood their to let them finished what they are doing ,then someone came and touch my shoulder. I turn around and saw Samuel .

"oh hey"I said with a smile.

"what are you doing here?"he asked.

"nothing"I replied with a sad face.

"what's wrong ,did anybody say something to you?"he asked with concerned.

"no,nothing at all"I said with a small smile.

"okay,by the way aren't you going home,now"he asked again

"yes,but..."I wanted to cry but I control my tears from falling.
"yes,I am its just that I am waiting for Richard ".

"isn't he is here yet?I saw him a while ago coming out"he said while scrolling his cellphone.

I didn't say anything and just stood there because I know where he is and what is doing right now inside the car. I can't believe myself I am letting the man I love hooking around with other girls,God ,why am I so coward ,dam you Erica .

"guess he won't be coming now,why don't I drop you off"he asked with a genuine smile.

I just stare at him and then back to the car and I thought about it for sometime and said "sure".

"okay,come "

I nodded and went away.

When I reached home ,aunt as usual greeted me and I greeted her back ,after that I went straight to my bedroom and went inside the bathroom and took a long shower to relax myself ,my insecurity and jealousy towards other girls.
I stay under the shower for almost an hour and after that I came out from the bathroom got dressed up and went under my blanket and went to sleep.

1week later••••

Its already been a week and 4 days since I have been here and I am really trying my best to enjoy myself but I really can't because Jimmy and his friends won't leave a chance, oh ,yes if Samuel is around ,he always helped me out that's why I am always grateful for him but at times I really want to go back home and hide in there so that nobody can find me again. And also me and Richard is going to move to our new house ,today and what ,surprised me the most is we are going to marry again but its not 100%sure yet because my love doesn't want to and he doesn't considered me to be  suitable for him,which really hurts a lot but I can wait for him until my last breath.

"heeey down to earth"Emma said

"oh!!I am sorry,so have you done that sums already "I asked her while flipping the pages of my book.

"yeah,almost how about you"she asked while rolling her pen.

"yes done!!"

"oh great guess ,I have to clean the classroom by myself again"she said with a long face.

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