Chapter-5 Sleep with me or be our slave

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Erica's POV~~~

Today ,my new independent life began,no more threatening ,no more physical abuse,no more being scared of stepping outside,now I am "freeeeeee,woooow,yeaaaah....I am independent..."I said while jumping on my bed.

I was so lost in my own world until a feel a pain on my back,as I turn around to see what hit me, I saw my hair brush on my bed and it was thrown by none other then Richard, that bastard ,he was standing in front of my door with his arm cross over his chest.

"why did you hit me??"I asked rubbing my back.

"shut your annoying girly mouth,I can't sleep because of your ugly voice," he stated.

"what do you mean by that?? and its already morning so its my wish I can do anything and hey who are you to shut me up"I asked.
"I am the owner's son ,I mean next owner of this house..."he said.

"you are only the next not the present so I don't need to listen to you"I replied him.

"what??you won't what??"he asked with angrier in his tone.
"I said I won't listen to you and so, you can get yourself out from my room I need to get ready"I order him .

I saw his face expression now changing,he clench his teeth and he asked"wha-what,did you just say???".

"oh no ,I didn't know that you are deaf as well,should I get you a hearing aid,.."I said teasingly.

"What the hell ,you ...."he said angrily .

I smile at his angry face and said
"not 'what the hell' I said I'll get you a hearing aid??and don't you worry I'll get you the best one."

"whatever.....and oh yes welcome to IA college ,it will be fu...."he walk away before completing his word.

"What fu....oh well forget it,I have to get ready"I jump off my bed and went to the bathroom.

Richard POV~~~

I was sitting up on the terrace with my gang then ,Jimmy asked"hey man ,did your wife came,I can't wait to welcome her",a smile form in his face.

Just as we were talking,one of my gang member Marcus said "hey Richard ,is she the one",he pointed to a girl ,who was just passing by the entrance .

I look down and a smile curb out,"she is the one ,the rag and outdated girl".

"wow ,she is totally going to be fun to play with"Jimmy said.

"lets go down and welcome her"Marcus said .

"sure,come on,Richard you coming"Jimmy excitingly said.

"you guys go on,we'll be there"I replied.

"okay,but be quick come on guys"Jimmy said and he and the others rush down.

Just then Philip said "Richard about that deal with the Japanese,they want to held a meeting with you so that they can be sure that their deal with you is....."I cut him off in between and I asked...

"Where do they want to held the meeting??"

"they will be here in NY the day after tomorrow and they inform me that they would like to meet you here, on that day "he replied.

"okay but inform them that I'll be free only in the afternoon because in the evening I have a flight"I ordered

"okay I'll inform them"he said before I walk away.

And as I came down the boys had started their fun,I saw that they were touching her hair ,pulling her bag and poking her head .On the other hand ,she was trying her best to escape but its not easy to get away from us because once we start our game we never go easy on our pry.

"leave me alone"she yell

"oh look!!! who is getting angry?,"Jimmy said with a smirk.

"leave me or else I'll ....I'll ..."she said trying to threaten them.

"You will ,What??you rag girl"Marcus said while lifting her chin up to face them.

Erica,she slap his hand off and she said "I am not scared of you guys"

"ohhh!!!! but we are scared"the boys mock and began to laugh.

Rick touch her check and he said "hey rag ,you want to come over at my place and we can have some fun together".

"excuse me"she said glaring at him.

"yeah come on and you are beautiful from outside and ,I guess you will be super beautiful from inside as well when you strip those dress off from your body"Marcus said.

"shu-shut up"she said
"don't touch me,please".

They began to poke her checks and head ,throwing her books and tearing the papers...I decided that I won't join in today because my gang are doing enough to bully and torture her,so I'll just stand back today.

"please don't do this"she pleaded

"so do you want to come over at my place or....."Rick was cut off in between when Jimmy said

"if you don't like that idea then ,you need to do something else ".

She look at them in horror before she open her mouth,"wh-what is it that you want me to do??"she stammered while asking.

"you have to do what we say until we graduate out from a slave ,if you want to have a peaceful college days,"Jimmy stated

"sl-slave...."she said in almost a whisper.....

"so mrs of Richard,which one will you choose,sleep with me or be our slave,its up to you,now"Jimmy said with a smirk.

What will you choose ,now....

Erica Day....

Another update for you guys,

I hope you will enjoy reading it.

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love you,


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