Chapter-23 frist kiss,first sleep

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Richard's POV***

As we kept on talking about her past ,I notice that she was finding it difficult to expressed it and every time she speak ,she always had this sadness face and wanted to cry but she tried to act though in front of me,she pushed her tears and sadness away by forcing a smile on her face. And when I asked her if she knew why the people in this small community was abusing her ,she told me the reason but like she said its so absurd of them to think of that, wanting to be the only richest persons ,oh!!fu*k the richness ,how can they ever tried to think of harming my Erica and also how can they blame Erica and her parents for the factories which were sat up by those fu*ker Melvin and his parents !!I am not going to seat back and watch Erica's family suffer specially Erica .I don't understand why she is so weak but no matter what ,I am going to protect her this time.

I called up my lawyer ,who is a friend of mine to check on the paper work for the factories here set up by those as*holes ,I also inform him that I'll email the details later and then hung up. As soon as, I hung up and look at  Erica ,she was again sadden maybe because I, all of the sudden called someone when we were talking about her past but then I ensured her that it was a friend of mine and I was telling him about some important matter and not about meeting up or partying with my friends and then she felt ease after I explain it to her.

I then asked her why she doesn't protested to anything what I say or ordered and she didn't answer it straight but tend to give an indirect answer maybe hoping I'll understand it and I did!!!but I tried to asked her again hoping she'll say those three words again . Before giving an answer she got off from the bed and I followed her where she drank the water,I kept on demanding for an answer and she sigh before turning around where her face was on my bare chest actually when she cried earlier she pulled out two of my shirt button and I forgot to closed it earlier but I didn't regret it because I felt her lips and nose on my bare chest which made me shiver and made my friend down there excited .

For Christ sake Richard !!!control yourself!!!I scolded myself.

I then teased her at the same time warned her that,if she doesn't stop sniffing and rubbing her nose and lips over my chest before I take her right there ,she did stiffen and took a step backward when  I said that and she pushed me with her full strength which I pretend to be affected and fell on her bed .I saw that she was embarrassed and her face was red so I tried to teased her more by saying that I'll try to keep myself as much naked so that I'll get more of her attention and affection and also try to pleasure her and myself but she cuts me off in between saying with full of confidence that she won't never come near me when I am without clothes and she even told me to closed my shirt buttons up but I teased her again which made her speechless and blush . I really love her when she blush.

After I said that she didn't lift her head up I mean she didn't look into my eyes after that,so I walk towards her and grab her by her waist and lift her chin up to look into my eyes , when our eyes meet she tried to turn away but I didn't let her and then the next thing I did made her surprise because I kissed her. She did tried to push me away but I grab the back of her neck and didn't let go of her,after some second she gave up and let me kissed her.

Her lips was so soft and sweet like cakes and I couldn't hold back and I began to kissed her deeply,I brush my tongue over lips but she didn't open,I pull away and look at her face,her eyes were staring into my eyes as she gasp,"open your mouth and stick out your tongue,"I demand and she did what I said,she stick out her tongue,then I bend down and suck her tongue before plunged my tongue in her mouth. Our tongue twirl with each other as we kissed each other.

Damn I need to stop now...

I roam my tongue in her mouth exploring each and every corner. I pulled her more towards me and continue to kiss her roughly. I squeeze her waist which let her a small moan but every beautiful moment has to come to an end.

We stopped cause  we were both out of breath and after that passionate kiss she held me tightly out of embarrassment .

"hey what's wrong??"I asked as I grab her waist with my left hand and the other stroke her head.

"that was m-my fi-rst..."she said shyly before burying her face on my chest.

What??its her first kissed ,I should have been more gentler.

I smiled and said,"I am glad that I could steal your first kiss ,I love you Erica "all of the sudden she parted from my hold and stare me in astonishment .

"wh-what di-d you s-say?"she said while stuttering.

"I love you Erica "I said which made her widen her eyes in awe  before she hug me tightly again .

"I love you,I love you so so much"she replied and I held her more tighter.
After our heated kiss and confessing my feelings ,its almost five days and I am trying to convinced her to come back  to NY with me and at the same time I am waiting for the right time to strike on those mother fu*ker  people who abused Erica for so many years.

I was cut off from my thought when I heard her voice from behind,
"Richard ,here have this ,you have been working since morning, here" she handed me the glass of lemonade and took the axe. Ever since I came here and confessed my feeling to her she often comes outside from the house and I am glad that she is trying to become stronger .

I took a sip of the juice and then said,
"mm....its good ,did you made it yourself "before she could answer,Aunt Christy said,"yes,she did and its only yours that she made "and smile at her.

My love was glaring at her mother,when she spilled the truth. I ruffled her hair and gulped the juice in one go and hand her the glass and as she handed the axe to me instead of grabbing the axe I pulled her closed to me and whispered in her ears ,"wait me in your room I'll be there in a minute,alright"and I gave a peck on her cheek before grabbing the axe from her hand and continue my work.

It was almost an hour, when I was done and I remembered that Erica must be waiting for me in her room , so I rush inside took a shower and then went up to her room and open the door without knocking then I saw her rolling on her bed and she didn't noticed me coming in so I quietly went and set on the couch and kept on staring at her .

She was rolling on her bed with her doll and then she said,"why isn't he coming ??he told me he'll be here in a minute but now its almost an hour,what is taking him so long??" she punch her doll which made me chuckle at her actions. She is so like a small kid waiting for there mother to come .
"ohh!!!!where are you ....Rich....a...rd.." then she saw me staring at her through the mirror and turn around.

"hey!!!"I said weaving my hand.

She jump down from her bed and run straight towards me and sat on my lap and wrap her hands around my neck.
"you kept me waiting !!"she said with a pout.

I put both my hands around her waist and said"sorry didn't know that cutting woods will be that though , I gave a peck on her lips.

She gave a smile before rubbing her nose with mine."okay so tell me, why did you asked me to wait for you here?"she asked.

I pulled her closed to me and now ours lips are only a metre apart and then I said,"I want to sleep with you, will you ....."I didn't continue because I saw how she was startle by what I have said,"but if you don't want to its fine,I won't forc..."she closed my mouth with her hand and gave me a smile.

"I'll love to sleep with you ,with the one and only person I love but mom,dad and your parents are here ,don't you think they'll come up"she stated

I shook my head with the thought as to how innocent she is still now?
"don't worry ,I won't cross my limit and my parents and yours went out so you don't have to worry"

She gave a smile and she peck my lips.

I can't believe she agreed to sleep with me.

Hey guys another update for you all,

Hope you guys will enjoy going through it.

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love you,


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