Chapter-22 its tempting ;wanna touch it again.

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Erica's POV***

When he told me that he would be there for me from now on,just those simple words really moved my heart so much that I wasn't able to stop my tears from falling ,I cried to my heart, where he was still there comforting me.

After a minute or so,I settle down and then I realised that I had been crying while hugging him. I got a part from him and wipe my tears which were still on my cheeks.

Then he said,"you alright now!!"

I lift my head up to see his face and he gave me a small smile,"mm....yes I am fine and sorry for crying like that"I said with my cheeks turning red in embarrassment for my action.

He then rub my cheeks with his thumb and said,"no worry,you can cry on my chest whenever you like because I'll be always here for you from now on,got it"

"o-okay"I replied shyly.

"okay so you want to continue or..."he said and stare me for a second ,then
"maybe some other time ,we can tal...."I cut him off  in between,

"no,I want to continue"I protest.

He stare at me with concerned and then said,"okay then"

"do you know why those people came to our house?? its because of Melvin parents actually Melvin is from a wealthy family as well so when his parents heard what he did and how he was charged?? ,his parents ,I don't know what they had filled their heads but without having a second thought, they all march towards here to abused me and my family"I stated with so much pain and anger inside.

"and after that incident I didn't dare to walk out from my room for almost a week because I was quiet shaken from all those abuses??", I put my head down and kept staring at my hands which is now sweating like anything. He place his hands on my hand and squeezed it tightly.

"I-I thought that its all over since its already been a week or so but then one day when my parents went out leaving me with my cousin alone here ,on that day we were watching the pink panther show then out of nowhere Melvin along with two boys and two girls broke in and they did..."I stopped for a moment then,
"They started their usual routine abusing me to their fullest and not only abused but they even cut off my hair ,at that time I had this long hair but they cut it all off ,my head was like bald ,I really can't imagine my hair being cut off like that ever again.."I stated and a lonesome tear rolled down but then I quickly wiped it off and I lift up my head and gave him a forceful smile but he seemed to noticed that it was not genuine  so he just rubbed my hand with his thumb.

I felt my tears were on the verge to fall again so I shook them all away and said,"mm...and in the college ,ever since he came ,my life was filled with fearful memories again,my fear began to surround me and  whenever I step inside the lobby those tortured he gave me all came back in  just a snap, whenever he sees  me 'anywhere' he drag me into some dark and empty room and abused me physically as well as mentally which was too hard for me to take it all alone"I felt his grip on my hand got even tighter and as I lift my head up I saw full of raged in his eyes,which made me surprised and when I open my mouth to say something ,he all of the sudden open his mouth

"when I  meet him ,I  going to make him pay for it"he said with full of anger in  his tone.

I was happy from inside that he is now listening to me, believing me and now I can see those trust and hope , which I always wanted from him, finally but...but the only problem is that he doesn't feel the same as I feel for him. I broke out from my thought when he said,"but I want to know what actually was the reason for them to abused you like this?do you know why??"he asked me with full of seriousness.

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