Chapter-14 Why is he helping me?

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Richard 's POV***

She was waiting for us near the entrance and as we approach and called for her she didn't answer ,she seem to be focusing on something and when Jimmy called her name out loud ,her eyes widen and she began to tense.

"hey Erica ,you alright"Samuel asked and he touch her shoulder.

She didn't say a word and as I was near her ,she grab my arm tightly and her hands were trembling .I held her hand and asked

"what's wrong?"

She stare into my eyes with full of fear and she mumble
"l-lets go o-out pl-pleas-e"and her grab became more tighter.

I noticed that her face is becoming more tensed so I clung on her shoulder and we all went out.

We reached home an hour ago and tonight I decided not to go out because I don't know why but something inside me told me that I should stay at home tonight.

I was in the dinning hall waiting for her but she didn't came for lunch neither for dinner,now. I even told Martha to called her but,Martha told me that she isn't hungry. So I began to eat but then I couldn't eat any longer without seeing her once,I drop my spoons on the table and walk out and went straight up to her room,I knock at her door but no response so I knock again and no response I again knock but again the same ,so I just dash in and to my surprise she was already asleep,I didn't say  a word just switch off her lights and went out.

I went down again to continue my dinner but all my appetite vanished .I stood up and went to my study and check out some of the files,as I was going through someone knock at the door .
"come in "I said while going through at the file.

I did noticed the door open but didn't heard footsteps ,so I lift my head up and saw her,she look sexy in her nightwear which was a satin dress that ends only till her mid thigh. She just stood in front of my desk like a statue.

"what's wrong?do you need anything?"I asked.

She nodded still looking down on the floor.

"what do you want??"

"I-I ...."she didn't utter a word after that.

"what is it?if you don't tell me ,how will I know?"I stated

"mm....that thing..."she said

"what ,'thing'?say it properly"I made a soft yell .

"that thi-ng that every month girls used to suf-fer..."she stated as her face turn red.

"every month??girl suffer??what is it?"

"my pe-riod had sta-rted and I don't have that th-ing...."she said as her face turn red.

A small smile form on my face as how she stated and I asked

"isn't Martha there?"

"she is not there,she went home a while ago because her daughter caught a cold and I really can't go out no...w"

I grab my cellphone and wallet from my desk and walk towards her and said ,"relax ,I'll be back" and walk away.

Erica's POV***

I didn't know that my period will start this early and I didn't brought any sanitary pads for my security and at the same time my stomach was killing me, I even forgot everything about what I saw at the college this afternoon ,I was lying down on my bed thinking what I  should do, then I told myself that 'I can't lie here on my bed like this,so I  got off from the bed and went down to asked maid Martha to help me but before I could speak she told me that her daughter was having a severe cold and went away in hurry without even hearing me and for the rest of the maids I can't really open up to them I really don't know,why??so my only last option was Richard even though he is  mean and doesn't like me ,I feel comfortable around him,I went to his study and asked for his help though I didn't told him about my stomachache but he went away without any hesitation.

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