Chapter-29 banging and noises

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Erica's POV***

Me and Richard walk out from the living room then we saw two men seated in the dinning room talking with uncle and dad but as soon as those two men saw Richard and me ,they both stood up and then Richard said,"you guys made it!!",he walk towards them and hug one guy who seems to be a bit younger while the other man he shook his hand.

Then he turn around and offer his hand to me which I gladly accepted it and he held my waist and said,
"guys meet my girlfriend ,Erica Day and Erica ,he is Fred a very old friend of mine,who is currently a lawyer and he is Lincoln ,he is my personal lawyer"he explain

"hello Erica,nice to meet you ,I am Fred Robinson and unfortunately a friend of his"he stated.

I gave a small smile and said ,
"nice meeting you too, Mr Robinson "

"I am Lincoln Franklin ,please to finally meet you  miss Day"

"pleasure is all mine ,Mr Franklin" I said and I clutch on Richard shirt.

He noticed me and so he place his hand on my hand and squeezed it.

Its been 30 minute or so,that Richard and the two lawyers went to dad's study room to talk ,I really don't know what they are talking and I didn't careless either because they might be talking about Richard trip to Hawaii, next week .

"sweety come and eat some fruits before dinner"aunt said ,oh God ,for the last 15 minutes mom and aunt have been feeding me with something or the other. I walk towards the kitchen counter and saw a bowl of sliced fruits .

"mom, I can't eat this much and you guys only have been feeding me for the last fifteen minutes"I whined

"no you must eat and me and your aunt had been noticing you for the last few days that you have been eating very less so eat this all up"mom stated sternly pushing the bowl towards me.

Aunt place the glass in front of me and said,"drink this up as well!!"

"I really can't drink nor eat anymore I am full dad please tell them"I whined at dad as he entered the kitchen .

Dad smile and stroke my hair and said,"you must eat more sweety,look how pale and skinny you look this days",really ,do I look that skinny whocares if I look skinny or not but never to become fat ,if that happens Richard might stopped loving me,mh...yes!!!so I prefer to remain skinny .

"come on finish it up,hurry!!"mom said.

"mom please ,I don't want to please, don't force me to eat"

"no you have to eat"

"mom.."I said sadly but she would never listen until I finish it up.

So without having any choice ,I have to give up and ended up eating which I forcefully put inside my mouth.

We were in the dinning room having dinner along with the two guest ,I was too full to put anything inside my mouth and I was just playing with my food .


I lift my head up and saw Richard looking at me .

"what's wrong ??why aren't you eating??"he asked

"I don't have any appetite "I replied

"why??"he asked again

But before I could answer,mom interrupted and instead of me replying ,she did,"its because she ate a bit of fruits and half cupcake no its not even half I think two pinch of it"she stated

"and also two sip of mango juice as well as three sip of milk "aunt added.

Richard then turn his attention to me and stare at me.
"why aren't you eating ,if you don't eat properly how are your wounds going to heal?"he asked with a serious tone.

I lowered my head and played with my spoon and made a puppy face underneath .

He stroke my hair and softly said,
"you must take your food properly alright or else you won't get better soon and you must get better soon"

I nodded my head before I grab his hand and lift my head up and gave him a smile ,he smile back and  continue eating except for me.

I was on my bed sleeping but was out of the sudden shaken out when I had a nightmare again. I don't know why but I often had this nightmare every now and then,is something going to happen again??please no,I don't want anything to happen again ,God .

And then I accidentally touch my wound on my hand which cause it bleeding again. "oh crap!!"I cursed myself then I got off from my bed and went to my dressing table to grab cotton to wipe off my blood on my hand then I applied medicine and tied it again.

After I was done,I was about to get on the bed again but then I heard noises from outside so I pushed my wardrobe and got up on a stool and peep outside through the ventilation and there I saw three men with  bottles and I was shaken when their eyes laid on me staring at them and I scream out loud when they threw one  bottle towards my room . I jumped off from the stool and run outside my room where I bumped with Richard .

"Richard ,they ar--e out--si--de.."I stammered as I speak.

He put both his hand on my shoulders and level his height as mine and said,
"relax,nothing will happened to you,alright"

I just nodded my head still shaken by the thought of what happen a second ago.

Then he pulled me towards him and said,"Fred!!come on",we all went inside the study room.

In the study room,they were holding a meeting and I sat on the couch looking at Richard ,wow!!!he really is a businessman I never thought that he will look so handsome while giving lectures to them. I ,thank God for giving me such a serious yet handsome man. I kept on staring at him from the start until the end.

Soon after ,everyman in the room went out except for Richard ,he was going through some files and yet I still kept staring at him. I moved my eyes when he said,"if you don't stop staring at me like that ,I don't know what I'll do",a smirk play on his lips while still looking at his files.

"I-I wasn't staring at you,I was just ...."  I stop when I saw him walking towards me .He pulled me up from the couch and grab me by my waist .

"you was just,what??tell me Erica Day"he asked with a smirk.

"I was ju-st..."then I buried my face on his chest out of embarrassment .

He stroke my hair and said,
"you look cute when you are embarrassed ".

I clenched on his shirt tightly before sniffing on his perfume.

"stop that or else I might take you right now"I stiffen when he said that and I parted from his embraced and stare at him for a second until we heard noises and banging outside the door.

"who is that??"I asked since the bang on the door was harsh.

"I know who exactly it is"he said with a smirk.

Who could that be banging like that at the door as well as what's that noises??

Another update for you all,

Hope you will enjoy reading through it.

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love you,


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