Chapter-12 I want to kiss you

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Richard's POV***

"I-I Love you..."she said while wiping her tears from her cheeks.

I didn't say anything and just stood there staring at her,waiting for her to calm herself. Then when she seem to relax ,I asked,"would you mind explaining to me about what you said earlier??"I went and sat down on the couch ,cross my legs and waiting for her to answer .

She glance at me ,and then stare at the floor ,playing with the tip of her top with her little fingers.

"so tell me"I demand while crossing my hands over my chest.

And there she said,"I ....I had be-been in lo-love wi-with yo-u since that day we me-meet at your parents place,I mean your pla-ce.."she stated while stammering in every word she speaks.

I just gave her a death glare,which made her to take a step back,
"I -I,I don't expect you to love me back tha-t's my feelings for you,I don't need you to..."before she could complete I cut her off in between

"yeah,you are right ,don't expect me to fall in love with you because we aren't meant to be together like I said before so just keep your feelings to yourself,alright  and yes ,don't you dare do that in front of people ,what you did today in the college or else you will be punished ,got it"I warned her and she just nodded before I walk away.

I reached my room throw my jacket on the couch and was unbuttoning my shirt then I heard a knock ,and I said
"come in"

It was our  maid Martha ,
"sir,would you be joining ma'am for dinner or you are leaving tonight as well"

"prepare it ,I'll have it"I said while taking off my shirt.

"okay sir"she walk out from my room

Then I took my towel and went straight to the bathroom .I, on the tap and let the water fall on my body and began to think about what happen today ?how can she love someone like me and to think of ,she never tell mom or dad about her situations at college nor does she tell her parents and that smiled on her face really affect me ,
"oh fu*k ,what's wrong with me" I said while pulling my hair .

After a long shower ,I came out wrapping a towel around my waist and as I step in my room,I was surprise to see her in my room. She was looking at my trophies and other things.

"why are you here?"I asked as I pull another towel to dry my hair.

She happily turn around ,her face became red when she saw my bare body and she covered her eyes with her hand and said

"Richard ,put on some clothes "

I smile at the fact that she was so innocent like a child ,who would blush by seeing the body of a man.
"why?? don't you like my body?is my body not up to your expectations ?" I tend to play with her and see how will she react.

"I-I don't ,no I mean I...."she stop when I held her other hand and let her touch my body,as she was touching she put her other hand down and place it on my chest .

I held both of her hand and kept it on my chest ,I bend down to level with her height and we were so close .
"tell me"I whispered near her mouth.

She was really nervous because from the time I put her hand on my chest ,she kept on swallowing her saliva and I can hear her gulping, every time .I put my hand on her face,her face was so soft like a cotton ,I was brushing my hand over her face and neck until I felt something on her neck,I stop and push her hair back and what I saw startle me.

"what's this?how did you get this mark?"I asked as I touch the scars on her neck.

"ac-actually I-I was ....I fell down yeah I fell off from the stairs and hurt my neck "she said and give a smile which was not genuine .

I could tell that she was lying because the way she speaks ,her body and facial reaction ,and her smile tells me all about it. But I didn't try to question her anymore since she now,began to look kind of stress ,so I didn't border .
"I-I must go,no-now"she said while trying to loose herself from my grip.

I didn't release her hand instead I tugged her towards me my body ,now her soft body collided with my  bare body.

"I-I ne-need to g-go"she said in stutter while on the other hand trying to push me away. But me ,as always didn't let her go and instead I pull her closed to me ,I grab her by her waist with one hand and the other ,grab at the back of her neck,our mouth were so close,like we could kiss anytime.
"I-I think we should ju- just..."I cut her off when I rubbed away her lips with my finger and bend toward her ear and whispered

"I want to kiss you"I said while touching her lips.

Hey guys another update for you ,and if you guys enjoy ,please vote and comment on it.

And my new story is out,titled ,the billionaire's locket,please check it out .

And ,A very "Happy New Year" to all of you.

love you,  


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