Chapter-4 let's have some fun

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Erica's POV

"Erica ,don't mind his words ,oh yes ,why don't we go to your room??you know I myself decorated it"she stated trying to light up the tense mood.

"my ro-room"I said in confusion.
"what's that confusion look for??oh ,don't tell you were thinking that you are going to stay with Richard"aunt asked teasingly.

"n-no ,no,aunt what made you think of that??I-I Just tho-thought th-that...."I tried to say something but keep on stammering .

Actually aunt read my face I was thinking that we might stay in one room but I fell relief when aunt informed me that we aren't going to stay in a room together because what he called me earlier and what had happened, his word is still running in my nerve .To think about it ,I never in my life got frustrated but I don't know what is really happening to me I fell like when my so called to be husband or already husband said those things about me,my bloods got boiled up.

Outdated my foot,how dare he called me that my fashion sense is not that outdated,who is he to judge my fashion sense,you rich spoil man....I was then cut off from my thought ,when aunt Corey called me,"Erica ,Erica ,come lets go up to see your new room"she said smilingly.

"okay aunt"I answered before both of us went up to the second floor.


Richard's POV~~~

I entered my room after meeting with my not so gorgeous beautiful so called wife,what does she think of herself coming from God knows where,oh dam ,why am I thinking about her,she ain't my type nor she will be. Then my phone rang which interrupted my thoughts and I check the caller ID and it was my friend Samuel,so I received it...
"hey,dude what up??"I asked.

"hey ,you coming to the party or not, your so called girlfriends are asking about you,if you are coming you better get your a*s right here or else I won't be able to handle them"he yell.

"okay ,I'll be there in a minute"I said and hung up.

I took a quick shower and got dressed and went away to the party. It took me only twenty minutes to reach Samuel 's place ,the party was going on with full of loud music inside .As I entered his house,I was dragged in by Samuel ....
"hey man ,slow down"I said .

"slow down my foot ,I told Jimmy its boys night but he invited those idiots as well"he said pointing his finger toward some college bitches who were sitting on the couch, all drunk.

"Where is Jimmy ,now??"I asked.
"he was jus...."Samuel was cut off when Jimmy came and said "hey dude you made it,you liking my friend party,I invited those chicks as well"he slurred out but he does know how to handle himself even if he is drunk.

"yes we know that,and you are driving them home all by yourself ,now"Samuel said sternly.

Actually Samuel is a gentleman type of guy unlike me who is just the opposite, and talking about those girls even though he spokes sternly to Jimmy about taking them to their houses but,at the end, he will be the one who will be dropping those girls to their places.

"okay,okay,I will but let me enjoy myself ,here dude ,have some of this"Jimmy said while handing me a glass of beer.

"thanks man ,I really needed that badly"I said before taking the beer from his hand .

"man ,did you saw the so called wife of yours,I bet she is beautiful ,"Jimmy asked,just as he asked that I was pissed off again before I replied,"Beautiful my foot,she is more like a rag girl"and I took a sip of my beer.

Then Marissa, the college diva and my ex came and she asked "who is the rag??"

"Richard so called to be wife"Jimmy replied.

"so your so called wife is here"she asked again.

"yes and I am really pissed off when mom introduce me to that bitch,"I answered before downing the beer.

"don't you worry man,I think she will be someone who will change your life ,in the future as well"Samuel said .

"hell with the future I am never going to live with her"I yell at him .
"beside she is way too outdated and out of my league,if you guys saw her ,you will want to burry your head inside the earth"I said with a smirk.

"dude,is she that ugly or what??"Jimmy asked with a smile.

"yeah ,she is ,oh don't want to talk about it anymore lets just change the topic"I said.

Marrisa also agreed with me and she said "yeah ,forget that girl cheers guys"and we all toast our glass.

As I was drinking Marissa suddenly said"hey guys ,I got an idea".

"what kind of idea???"I enquired.

"Richard,you said that she is not your match ,right"she asked.

"yes!!!"I replied

She didn't say anything and smile staring at me.
"what??"I asked.
"Its our last year,why don't we have some fun with her,if its fine with you "she asked me with the same evil smile and I know exactly what she waa thinking.

"no guys ,its a bad idea..."Samuel denied about the idea but Jimmy cut him off and he excitingly said "yes,bring it on,come on Richard just say yes ,it will be fun to watch her getting bullied ".

After much though ,I finally gave my answer"lets have some fun with her"I answered with a smirk.

Hey guys another chapter over and I should say its the longest chapter ever ....but hope that you will enjoyed it.

And please don't forget to vote and comment on it.

love you


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