Chapter-20 I am not going back

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Erica's POV***

I can't believe he is here,did he came here to take me with hi...m,no way,he will never do tha...but wait he text me that he came to take me with him.... but hell with he taking me back ,I am never going to talk nor step out from my house.

Then a knock on my door got me out from my thought,"baby,come down, your aunt,uncle and Richard are here",mom said from outside my door.

"okay,I'll be there in a sec,"I replied from,"okay!! be quick"mom said and she went down.

I stood up from my bed and walk towards my dressing table and look myself into the mirror whether I look fine or not,then realization hit me again,What the hell??am I doing,Erica you look just fine ,you don't need to look yourself up on mirror for him, yes!!!!. With that I went down,and there I saw him, Mr .Arrogant smirking at me but then I turn away from him and walk towards aunt and uncle.And as they saw me ,aunt stood up and gave me a tight hug,I hug her back and as we parted.

"how are you my daughter??"she asked and I just gave a tight smile.

"I am fine aunt and I am sorry for not telling you the truth why I came back??",I stated

"no its okay sweety ,you don't have to apologize for anything and its not your fault,right son"she said as she turn her head towards Richard and grin at him.Richard sat still while crossing his arm over his chest.

"Mr .Arrogant..."I mumble as I glare at him.

"yes Erica ,you don't need to apologize and thanks to you ,our family got a chance to have a vacation"uncle Robert said with a smile.

I didn't say anything and gave a smile.

Its almost seven o 'clock ,night and I am getting bored because I can't even go and watch TV because their is no single nor go outside the house to get fresh air,I have been lying here on my bed for almost two hours and they don't bother to  even come to console me .

"ahhhhhh....",I scream out loud.

Then all of the sudden my door was flung open and I hurriedly got up and saw my dad,mom,aunt ,uncle and Richard inside.

"what happen sweety?why did you scream?",dad asked with concerned .

Before answer I look at their faces and then said ,"I-I got bored so I just screamed to realised my loneliness "

They all smile at each other with relief all over their faces and when I glance at Richard he was staring at me ,so I moved my eyes away from his stare and smiled at those old lovers.

"you scared us all baby"mom said as she came and stroke my hair.

I smile and said,"I am sorry,I didn't meant to scare you all".

"if you were bored you should have just come down and join us"aunt Corey said.

"yes baby ,you can come down"Mom asked as she rubbed my arm.

I shook my head and said ,"no,its fine ,you guys can go and enjoy your talks ,I like to stay here rather to listen to your boring talks".

"are you sure sweety??if we leave you won't scream again right?"Mom asked in a teasingly manner.

"yes,mom I am sure ,I won't ,now you guys go on"and I slightly push mom.

"alright"she said.

"but sweety if you are..."dad said but I cut him off in between.

"no,I am fine now,you guys go on, please",I insisted.

"okay then" and as just they were to walk out.Richard open his mouth,
"Uncle Calip ,do you mind if I give her some company?I mean I want to clear out on our misunderstanding ?,if you feels its alright"he asked with so much polite and respect .

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