Chapter-33 something very important !!!

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Erica's POV***

I can't believe this he didn't even care to come up to console me and I can't believe myself either that I am in love with this man.

And if he isn't coming up then me too I am never going to talk to him.
"if he don't care about my feelings then I don't care about his feeling either"I mumble to myself.

Then I heard a voice from behind my room door,"really!!!you won't care about my feelings??"he open the door and came inside and as I thought its Richard .

He walk in and sat beside me ,"are you really not going to care about my feelings but even if you don't I am going to continue to care about your feelings",I glance at him and then quickly turn away.

"what's wrong??why are you angry??"he asked but I didn't dare to look nor talk to him.
"come on Erica ,if you don't tell me how will I know what I did wrong ??"he then place his hand over my hand and clench tightly and that really hurts cause he was squeezing on my wound.

I turn towards him only to see him starting at me and he took that opportunity cupped my face with both his hands  and gave me a smile before capturing my lips but I wriggle away and rub my lips with my palm and glare at him.

"come on Erica ,tell me what is wrong??"he asked again.

I glare at him and said,"you don't have to mention about how weak I am in front of them??"

"but you are weak so I...."I cut him off,

"yes I know that myself but you don't have to mention that ?? I don't like to hear that coming from your mouth"I spatted at him and cross my arms over my chest and pouted .

He stare at me from the corner of his eyes for a second and then sighed out heavily and said,
"okay!!!I am sorry I shouldn't have mention that  please forgive me this once,will you",he gave me a smile.

I look at him for a second and nodded my head with a pout,"okay I forgive you!!!"

"that's my girl"and he held me tightly .

My life became more fun and normal after he came into my life. I thank him for that cause if he hasn't come into my life then I would still be all alone trap under this four walls which was so hard for me all those years and  I don't want to go through those memories again.

"Both of you come down and have your dinner"mom shouted from downstairs

"okay mom!!!"I shouted back and as I was to get off from the bed Richard tugged me closed to him. I stare at him in shock.

"what??why are you staring at me like that??"he asked with a grin

"I--I no we need to go down mom is calling us for dinner."

"wait for a few minutes "

"but mom---"I was then pulled on to his hard chest where I lay there while he stroke my hair,"but Richard we nee..."

"shhh....lets stay like this for just a minute"he requested

"ok..okay"I said and cuddle him back,its so nice to be in his embrace his smell ,his broad chest ,everything related to him ,I love it.
Its been two days after the truth has been reveal and today its the last day for me staying here with my parents because I am going back with Richard and his parents in NY and from now on things are about to change between me and him. Richard is graduating this Friday and me I am going to continue with my study, Ohh!!!I don't like that I want to be with Richard twenty four hours but he won't like the idea about me sticking with him twenty four hours!!!

I saw Richard walking towards me and he was wearing only a shirt where I could see all his abs and my jaw almost touch the ground.
"wow!!!he look so hot"I mumble to myself

"what did you say???"I heard my mom asking me.

I shook my head and turn towards her,"nothing,its so hot today??don't you think so mom,"I asked her to divert her attention away from what I said just now.

"aunt can I have some juice??"he asked mom.

"yes sure,here and son if its too hot why don't you open your shirt,it will cool you down??"mom suggested while glancing at me.

I narrowed my head feeling embarrassed until my eyes laid on those abs of his wow!!!I never notice those abs 'wow!!!'
Then all of the sudden he spill out the juice from his mouth. And he stares at me with his eyes wide open and as for mom she giggled.

I covered my mouth with my hand,
"oh crap!!!did I say that out loud"I mumble while looking at Richard then he nodded his head.

"okay both of you talk,I'll help Corey in the garden"she walk away from us giving us some privacy.

I glance at him and I saw him gulping his juice in, where some of the juice were dripping down his neck followed by his body 'oh God he look so hot!!!and sexy'. And I continue staring at him without even blinking.

Then he place the glass hard on the table which made me jump a bit and he lift his head up and stare at me with his dark brown eyes ."if you don't stop saying that I'll take you right now!!!"he said with a stern expression .

I blink my eyes as he said that and gulp my saliva in.

He then stood up straight and Raffles my hair before he said,
"be on time for dinner tonight!!!"and he walk away.

what was that about ??you always shuts me off by saying that and also,I am never late, I am always on time for dinner you don't have to remind me that!!!

I was arranging the glasses until I heard mom and aunt called me for help ,I run towards them as they were in the kitchen garden picking up pumpkins as I reach there they ordered me to pick up the biggest pumpkin which is yet to be pluck out.

"what you want me to pluck this out ??"and they both nodded their head."but I ...."I was interrupted when aunt spoke,"you are young and more stronger then us so pluck it out and take it to the kitchen".

I gave a smile and shook my head to what she said. Then I bend down and pluck it out and as I lift it up it was heavy indeed ,I faked a smile at them and they also return a smile,I began to walk slowly holding the pumpkin close to my belly and as I was walking I heard giggling from my back so I turn around only to see my mom and aunt holding their laugh .

"mom,aunt what are you giggling ??"I asked them as I glare at them through the corner of my eyes.

"your walking it looks so funny!!" mom stated before they both burst into laugh.

I stomp my feet and said,"stop laughing both of you and whose fault it is that I am walking like that"but they kept on laughing,
"mom ,aunt ,stop it!!!",I said and  pouted my lips, still they kept laughing .

Richard's POV***

When I entered the dinning room,the smell of pumpkin curry penetrated my nose,it smells delicious.
"mm...the curry smell delicious aunt,I wonder how it will taste"I said before taking my seat.

"it will be delicious as always"aunt replied with a smile.

"what do you mean??"

"I mean its Erica ,who always made this curry and whenever she make this curry  it turn out delicious as always ,though I taught her its much more better then mine"she stated as she place the fork and spoons beside my plate.

"really!!!I can't wait to taste it"I said before rubbing my hands.

After a minute or so ,Erica bought the bowl and place on the table and wow!!the curry look delicious. I can't wait to get my hand on it but before that I need to do something very important, much more important then the curry.

Hey guys another update for you all,

Hope you all will enjoy going through it.

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love you


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