Chapter-24 I choked myself

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Erica's POV***

He asked me to sleep with him which was beyond my imagination I mean his kissed was only I had expected but now ,he is asking me to sleep with him,oh God ,I can't find any other words but to accept it.

"I'll love to sleep with the one and only person I have loved but mom, dad and your parents might come up"I stated

He shook his head before he ensured me ,"don't worry I won't cross my limit and also my and your parents went out so you don't have to worry",he gave a smile.

I smile back before pecking his lips. And stare into his dazzling brown eyes and all of the sudden I could see full of love and lust in his eyes.

"ready!!!"he asked with a smirk .

I shyly nodded my head then his lips meet mine and he kiss me with full of passion before he began to kiss my jaw followed by my neck .He kept on kissing on my neck for sometime and he lift his head up to look at me ,I gave a small smile which he return it with a smile and then our lips meet again . As we were kissing he lift us up and walk towards the bed not leaving my lips and  place me on bed gently. He pulled away only to open his shirt and came on top of me and I wrapped my arms around his neck and we continue our little passionate make out session .

After an hour or so,we were on the bed lying there. I kept on making circles with my fingers on his chest .Then he asked,"Erica,are you going to come back to NY with me ??"

"I am not sure ,I am still confused and scared, I mean ,if you stop loving me and tell me to go away from your house and life, one day ,then what will I do??just that thought really makes me scared ", I continue making circles on his chest but then he grab my hands and said,"no,I will never do that to you again because you are the only one whom I had love and care ,I won't dare to chase you away from my life cause you make my life complete",he stated before placing a kiss on my forehead,"please come back to NY with me"

I gave him a genuine smile before nodding my head. Then he said,
"thank you Erica ,I promise you ,you won't regret it ",he was about to kissed me again but I stop him by placing my hand over his mouth.

He pulled away my hand and asked,
"what's wrong??why did you stop me??"and look at me with baffled .

"nothing!!!its just that we already did lots of kisses and you touching me and moreover our parents will be probably on their way so "I said shyly.

Yes,kissed and abit of touching bodies but not to that extend of having sex . He then chuckle to what I said before he came on top of me and pinned both of my hand above my head with his left hand and said,"so you think we should stop!!! "

"mm...", I nodded my head bitting my lips.

"but I don't want to stop ,I want to feel your soft body more,won't you let me explore you for some minutes more" he said while sniffling around my neck and places small kisses there.

"I-I mm..." I made a soft moan when he suck on my color bone.

",we can't"I moan again when he place a kiss behind my ear and bit it,"you still want to stop,"he whisper but just as I was about to answer I moan again as his left hand massage my right breast over my bra and his lips finally meet mine ,kissing me hard and rough while his hand still squeeze my left breast hard.

We were so engrossed in our  making out session that I almost miss the voices coming from down stairs.

oh crap!!!our parents are here already.

I pull away from the kiss and  tried to push him off from me but he was not moving an inch ,he just kept on sucking my neck making me let out soft moans.

"Richar...d our parent..s are here,get up"I said with lot of moanings in between and another moan let go from my mouth when he pull my nipple,"if... they com...e up and see us what will they think of us??",I wrap my arms around his neck even if I said those,I want to feel more of this new sensation and pleasure.

"what do you mean what they will think??and after all  I am showing my love to my girl  or say my wife so I don't mind if they see us  "he mumble as he suck my nipple which let me moan again.

He bite my nipple and suck it more while his other hand that was holding my hand is now on my other breast massaging my bare breast.

So much of not crossing limits..but it feels good.

"Richard...someone will come.. please,"I said which let him suck my nipple hard, letting out that pop sound and he look me in the eyes, "beautiful and delicious,"he said making me blush.

He smirk before pecking my lips and said,"alright, if that's what you want??but ...",now he is back with his serious face.

I stare at him with baffled and asked,
"but what??"

"but when we get back home,I want to taste every inch of you,got it,"he demanded and I nodded shyly,"when I say every inch,I mean this too,"he cup my sex with his hand over my shorts and my face became hot.

"you got it,"he asked again which I nodded shyly,he remove his hand from my sex before  cupping my bare breast again which I didn't even know when he pulled it off,"now give me my kissed before we go out."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and nodded my head and soon our lips meet again and we began to kiss passionately .
It was almost 7o'clock and we were all in the dinning room having our dinner . And the three man i.e. dad,Uncle Robert and Richard ,they were talking about the same old topic which is meetings and companies contracts and on the other hand the two women Mom and Aunt Corey,they are talking about the new sales in the market and me alone with my food .

I kept on stuffing my mouth with salad and meat without chewing and swallowing everything, which I stuffed in continuously,but then something happen which made me unable to speak nor breath. Yes!!!I choked myself.

I tried to drink the water from my glass but it was empty ,I tried look for Richard glass but their was none and also on the jug but there was no jug ,I forgot to take it from the kitchen a while ago and now I am suffocating,I place my hand on Richard hand and clenched it hard but he didn't turn around instead he grab my hand tighter,I again tried to signal him by clenching on his hand tighter but then no respond and then I pulled my hand and rush towards the kitchen but as I reached the kitchen I felt my breathing was going low and my vision was disappearing and then finally I fell flat on the floor.

what the hell is happening??I can't breath....please help me!!!


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