Chapter-7 let's go to club

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Samuel POV~~~

Me and Jimmy were waiting for Richard  because Richard called us up a while ago and told us that he is bringing her wife as well since his mother insisted. We were waiting for them outside the mall then after twenty minutes they reached.

"hey Richard "Jimmy yell out.

"hey"Richard replied as he approach us.

And I am dumbstruck when I saw the girl behind him because I wasn't there when our gang bullied her yesterday.I was surprise when I saw her,now,she was a beauty, unlike what Richard had explain to us last time at the party. Who will bully such a beauty .I was cut off from my thought when she all sudden yell..,"you!!! what are you doing ,here??"

"hey,yo mrs of Richard "Jimmy said with a big smile form on his face.

"why won't he be here,he is my friend,you stupid??"Richard snarled at her,"and you can go there and shop and yes, meet us here after one hour"

"but I don't know which way should I go,oh ,yes you guys can get yours then lets go together for"she said excitingly but all those faded when Richard glared at her angrily.

She just stood there dumbfound and then eyed him signaling that she wants to come along with him but I know Richard won't let her come along so,I interrupted

"okay you can come along with us and after ours is done ,we'll go shopping for you as well"I said trying to cheer her up.

All of the sudden happiness took over her and she began to look around  the mall,like its her first time seeing a mall.

"I believe we haven't meet,myself, Samuel Thompson,and you must be Erica,"I stated and stuck my hand out. She stare at my hand before she gave her and shook my hand.

"Erica Day"she replied with a smile.

Erica ,her name is beautiful and sweet like her....

Richard POV~~~

After  Samuel and Erica had introduced themselves to each other ,we began to go around the mall,while me and Jimmy were looking around the shop ,Samuel and Erica won't stop talking and laughing, as they say something to each other, God knows what they are talking and I was getting annoyed but wait....!!! why am I getting annoyed,its non of my concerned ,forget it Richard .

"Dude,got any"I asked as I walk toward Jimmy ,who seem to looking through a section of t-shirt.

He shook his head side by side and said"nope"and he continue to look at other section.

For almost an hour we were looking around to buy Jimmy's clothes and after that we went to women section and was looking for Erica's dress and I was surprise when I saw her in those fitted boycon dresses I don't want to admit it but she look beautiful and sexy in anything she put it on. She brought herself two white shirts,three pair of skinny jeans ,two dress and two jacket after that we came out from the mall.

"guys lets go somewhere to relax," Jimmy suggest.

"where??"I asked as I check my cell phone.

"maybe to a club or anywhere"Jimmy replied as he took a sip of his coke.

"guys,I remembered that Marissa is going to throw a party at our usual club "Samuel said while typing something on his cellphone .

"oh great then we can go there"Jimmy said while smirking at Erica .

"okay then come"I said before walking to my car but I was stopped at my way ,when she said

"ummm,you guys go on without me ,I'll just get home by...."but I cut her off in between .

"no you are coming with us"I ordered and tugged her hand.

She stare at me in furrowed but didn't talk back  and I pull her away.

"let's go to club"Jimmy said from behind as we make our way towards the car.

'CLUB' hmmm interesting ....

wow :o:o Another update is over again....

Guess ,something is going to happen to Erica at the party??
Stay tune to find out....

And guys...:):)
******WISHING YOU ALL*******
**MERRY CHRISTMAS**in advance ;):)*-*

love you


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