Chapter-25 Forever!!!

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Erica's POV***

As I fell on the floor ,I felt a sting on my hand and blood at the same time and I saw shoes and also  hands shaking me before I lose my conscious .
I slowly open my eyes and I was welcome with brightness and full of whites and IV drip on my wrist and finally ,I realised that I am in the hospital.
"hospital ..."I mumble to myself,then I heard my mom crying ,so I called out for her.
"mo..m"but then they couldn't hear me since they were outside and I am inside this room with no living being and only this machines .

Mom don't cry,I am fine,mom..

Then finally a nurse drop in and as she saw me,she smiled and came near me and began to check me and then asked,"how are you feeling miss?"

"I am fine ,now "I replied her

"okay,doctor will be here soon"she said.

"excuse me nurse ,can I see my family?"I asked.

"yes,I'll send them in now"she said before walking out.

I lift my left hand up which was now covered with bandages also my thumb on the right hand and I kept on staring at it,but that lasted until the door open and mom came in and hug me tightly .

"oh my baby ,you scared me"she said as she sob hard.

I patted her back and said,
"I am sorry mom, I won't scare you again,"a tear fell from my eyes

"honey !!!"dad said and pulled mom away from me .
"sweety you should never do that"he stated as he wipe his tears.

I gave a tight smile and nodded my head ,"I won't please stop crying now"

Then uncle Robert said,"yes,both of you should stop it because both of you are crying more then her"

"Erica you really shook us all especially Richard ,he was so worried about you when your breathing stopped!!! but thank God you are safe"Aunt Corey said as she came and place a kiss on my forehead.

"I am sorry for worrying you all "and I lowered my head but then Aunt Corey patted my head ,I lift my head up and gave a small smile before asking,
"where is Richard,why isn't he here?"

"oh don't you worry dear ,he just went out to get some air ,he'll be here in any minute"Aunt Corey said to ensure me that he is fine.

I just nodded and stare at my hand. Then after some minute the doctor came,did my check up and as the doctor went,I kept on waiting for Richard, hoping he'll come,now but there wasn't any sign of him still now and I kept on ringing him but he isn't picking up,then a tear roll down with the thought that he left me.

Then I was startle when the door suddenly open and as I was to say something, I was already under his warm embrace, I like this warmth and his smell ,its my Richard ,he is finally here. I clenched tightly on his jacket and buried my face on his chest and began to sobbed.

He stroke my hair and said,"I thought that I lost you,thank God you are alright", he held me tight and kiss my head.

"where have yo-u be-en I thou-ght you lef-t me?"I questioned him as I sob.

He wiped my tears with his thumb and gave a small smile,"I will never leave you and I am sorry for making you worry,I won't leave your side from now on,alright,now stop crying"he stated before hugging me again. I nodded under his embrace.

Then after a while we talk about what and how exactly I choked myself also I got yelling from mom for stuffing, swallowing without chewing and all. wow!!! I didn't know that mom could yell like that. But it was nice to see that side of her as well.
Oh!!!God finally I got discharged  today after two days of staying here, if I stay here for another day I'll die for sure,"so Richard any plans for today"I asked as he put my bags inside the trunk .

"mm...not really but thinking of spending time with you,if its fine with you"he said as he turn his back on me to put the bags in,I jump on his back .

"thank you and I'll love to spend my time with you "I said with a bright smile.

He just gave a smile before he spank my butt with his hand,I hurriedly got down and hit his back with my hand.

"why did you hit me for??"he asked

"because you spank my butt"I replied

"so because of that hmm...", he pulled me closed to him, where our body crush on to each other and he bend down and whisper in my ear.
"don't you like me spanking you,I thought of spanking you more when we make love "

I push him a bit to face him then stare at him with a blush. I want my first love making to be sweet and gentle,I never thought of getting spank but Iove the sound of it and want to try that with him .

I was brought back to reality when he snap his finger,"hey what are you thinking??don't you like it"he asked with a smirk.

I nodded my head and then shook it.

He stare at me with baffled and then a small smile form in his face.
"you don't like the idea"he asked.

"no,I don't know", I shyly shook my head.

He place a kiss on my forehead and then stare into my eyes.

"its okay,I will teach and show you when we make love"he said

My face heat up but nodded my head before hugging him tightly, he held me back.

As we were hugging each other,mom and Aunt Corey came and Aunt Corey said,"love birds ready to go!!"

We both turn around and happily said together,"yes,we are"

"alright then"mom said before heading towards their car and as for me and Richard we are using Richard's car ,wow!!!me and him alone again. I mean yes,we are always alone but every time when we are together I feel so excited and feel like my heart is about to explode.... 'explode' yes explode,burst out,pump out from my chest only for him. I want to spend my whole life with him ,forever!!!.

I was brought back from my reverie, when he said,"my lady"and he open the passenger seat door for me to enter. I gave a smile before entering and as I sat in,I said,"thank you baby"

He chuckle to the word 'Baby' and shook his head before closing the door and rush towards the driver seat. He then put on his seatbelt and said,"ready to go "

"yep,lets go!!!"I shouted happily and raised both my hands .He patted my head  before starting the car and we drove away.

I wish my days to be always like this. He being by my side, forever!!!

Another update for you all,

Hope you guys will enjoy reading through it.

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love you,


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