Chapter-26 Promise

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Erica's POV***

After two hours of traveling,we finally reach our sweet home but then its no longer sweet anymore,when I saw some people in front of my house. Then by seeing them I clench on Richard's hand still keeping my eyes on those people.

I saw mom,dad,Aunt Corey and Uncle Robert getting down from their car and approaching them. Then a minute or so they began to talk but more like arguing. I was just praying from inside not to start a war like before I mean its not like those wars ,where guns and bombs were used but like they started abusing ,hitting us with stones or kicking,punching and so on.

I was just staring at them with worry and concerned then I felt someone clenching tight on my hand and I turn my head to my right side only to see a sweet smile face of Richard.

"hey relax everything will be fine,I am here with you "he said to loosen my worry and concerned face.

I gave a tight smile before nodding my head which he just accepted though he noticed that it wasn't genuine one.

Then I saw those people walking away and as they passed through our car they glare at me which was filled with full of raged and hatred and at one point I was out of breath when I saw someone who broke into our house and tried to harassed me before .God, at that time I was only eight ,why would anyone harassed an eight year old girl ,it was true that harassing somebody doesn't have age limit after all.

"you guys ,alright!!"A voice spoke from the window.

I nodded my head before getting off from the car."mom,why were they here??"I asked.

"its nothing sweetheart!!! "she replied and I know that she was lying but I didn't try to question her again.

"okay!!!"that's only I said before Richard came and put his hand over my waist.

I turn towards him and smile brightly.

"come lets get you inside"he said  and escort me inside.

As I reach my room ,I straight away jump on my bed and snuggled on it.
"oh I missed you so much my bed!!!"I grab my pillow and cuddle it.

"oh really!!!only your bed and not me"he asked.

I turn around and saw the man of my life leaning against the door with a smirk on his face,while his arms over his chest.

"we always see each other I mean almost everyday ,so why would I miss you??"I said teasingly.

"so you won't missed me if we see each other everyday"he said as he walk towards me.

I nodded my head and got up on my bed as I saw him walking towards me.
"yes!!!how can I missed you??"

He stop at the edge of my bed and what he said next made me tense as well as scared,"if that's the reason then I think I should be gone for some few days away from you,so that I can make you mis..."before he could complete I hug him tightly .

"don't you ever leave me alone?"I whined at him.

He brush my hair with his hand while I held on him tightly,"I was just trying to pull your leg by saying that and I won't leave you again alone"he stated

I pulled back a little from the hug and stare into his eyes with my glittery eyes and said,"promise !!"

He smile and said,"I promised ,now wipe away those tears from your eyes".

"mm...", I wipe my tears away from my eyes.

"alright then",he push me on bed,I just stare at him in baffled. Then he walk towards the door and locked it and turn towards me again, before he jump over the bed beside me.

"why did you close the door??"I asked.

He didn't say anything then all of the sudden pulled me on top of him,I tried to get down from his body but his grip on my waist tightened .
"what are you doing??we should go down everyone will be waiting for us??"I said while pushing him with my hand but he didn't move a bit nor loosen his grip on my waist.

But he put his right hand behind the back of my neck and pulled me close to his face where our face is so closed and I can feel our breathing getting heavier,he stare on my  lips before he claim my lips. He began to kiss me gently and softly. And as we were kissing,his next move make me widen my eyes,he plunged his tongue into my mouth, I like it. He then change our position ,I was now below him and he is on top but he didn't let go off our kiss and he began to explore my mouth with his tongue .

As he kissed, he began to strip my upper clothes,he finally manage to open all my shirt buttons and began to place kisses on my neck before he make his way down to my cleavage and as he places kisses there ,I was feeling excited all over my body. I shiver when he put his hand over my bosom .

He then lift his head up and look at me with concerned,"what's wrong ??did I hurt you??"he asked.

"no you didn't,I like it when you touch me, "I mutter shyly as I ensured him that everything is fine and so he can continue.

He let out a heavy sigh and peck on my lips and said,"you are blushing "

I touch my cheeks with my hands feeling heat rise up but then my hands were pulled away from my face and he place a  kiss on my forehead and said,"you don't need to blush because you are beautiful from outside and you will be beautiful inside this clothes as well," and he gave me a smile.

I hugged him tightly before he claim my lips again.

Hey guys another update for you all,

Hope you will enjoy reading it,and the next chapter will be on Richard which I will update it soon maybe today.

Please vote and comment on it.

love you


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