Chapter-8 I am lost

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Erica's POV**~~~

We arrived at the club ,and  I was almost out of breath when I saw tones of people ,some were drinking,some were dancing like  crazy people, rubbing each other,kissing and some just stood at the side talking with their friends.

WOW!!!!never knew that such place exist ,it seems fun but the only problem is the sound of loud music,its like my ear is about to blow,oh God!!!!but I just stood there alone because Richard told me that he and his friends need to go meet their other friends but that lasted,until someone came and said,"excuse me,you are Richard 's fiance or wif...e".she whispered towards the end.

"ye-yes"I replied .

"oh great,is Richard here as well??"she asked me again before taking a sip of her wine.

"yes he is but you ar....e"I asked her back again,not knowing who really she is.

"oh I am sorry myself Marissa ,Richard friend and classmate,"she answer with a smile.

"Erica "I said while looking around for Richard.

"are you looking for Richard ,as well??"she asked.

"yes,he said that he'll come here again but he didn't",I was all of the sudden sadden .

"don't worry ,he'll be here somewhere ,mmmm why don't you have a drink"she suggested as she turn to the waiter and pick a glass of orange juice.

"no its fin...."but I was cut off,when she hand me the glass ,which I was compelled to accept it.

We were just standing there and drinking ,until a girl came and poured her drink on my head,which made me astonished.

I just stood there dumbstruck ,can't understand why did she do that ,what had I done to her that made her do that to me??I tried to speak but then another glass of juice poured on my head.

"oops sorry ,we didn't know that its you ....actually no ,we aren't sorry because we intend to do this on you,its you ,yes"she said while covering her mouth with her hand and starting laughing,even though there's nothing to laugh about. only God knows the reason.

"Rebecca ,what have you done,look see is drench now??"Marissa said in concerned.

"isn't she is the one who is at the top gossip in our college about Richard fiance or so call wife"she said with a smile.
"You,can't you see that Richard is not interested in you,don't you think its better to get out from his life."she said.

"come on Rebecca stop that"Marissa said trying to removed her hand from poking my head.

"Marissa ,don't stop me and after all ,she is here because she want money ,I mean seduced Richard for his money,right"she said while continuing to poke my head.

I slap her hand away because of the fake assumption she is making ,I yell"no,I am not here for that ,its just that we were marr...."I was cut off when Rebecca said
"please don't act and I know lots of girls like you who try to seduced rich guys like you are doing now and what made you think that you and him can be together,do you really think he'll ever accept you??wake up girl"she said with a grin on her face

"and remember one thing ,Richard parents are so generous enough for taking you with them,but don't you dare take advantage of their  charitable nature and never ,ever try to force your innocent nature towards Richard because he won't fall for you,get that in your thick head,now just get your a*s out of here before I smash you"she grits.

I couldn't say anything because the fear which I had earlier before coming here is now taking control over me again slowly,I couldn't challenge them nor fight them because they are from high and mighty background if I accidentally do something or say something wrong they might use their power against me and me ,alone here can't compete with all of them. So,I quietly walk away from them but that's not all ,as I was walking out they began to throw things on me ,calling me this and that name ,which made  tears to form in my eyes and also caused a sting in my heart.

Just as I came out ,I didn't care for anything  and began to run as fast as possible trying to get away from all those people calling me out by vulgar names and also someone whom I never expected to go this far. Running for almost I think for about thirty minutes ,I stopped and began to look around ,until I realized that
"I am lost...."

where am I ???

what is this place???

hey guys ,here's another update for you,hope you enjoy reading it.

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love you


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