The terrible birthday

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7th of August 1974

Jennifer Potters 11th birthday had been going so well, until around midday when Professor McGonagall had shown up, at the request of her parents to discuss her Hogwarts letter. After Jennifer's older brother James had gone to Hogwarts, Jenny wanted nothing more than to join him.
Although there were three years between the pair, the two got on rather well. She had even become very close with his best friends; Sirius, Remus, and Peter. Who treated her like a little sister, which she enjoyed, as it meant she now had four brothers instead of one.
Jenny's father Fleamont and her mother Euphemia were older than most parents, as they had had her and James much later on in life, and because of this Jenny had been born early and very sick. She had spent the majority of her childhood in and out of St Mungos hospital, for various illnesses. It was because of this, that her parents didn't want her going to Hogwarts, as they feared she wouldn't be able to cope.

Jenny was anxiously waiting in the room outside of the study, where her parents were talking to Professor McGonagall. Eventually the door opened and Jenny was allowed inside to hear the verdict.
"Well?" She asked curiously.
"I'm sorry Jennifer, but we have managed to convince the Professor that going to Hogwarts would be too much for you, so you won't be going" replied her mother.
"But that's not fair. I want to go, I want to have friends and learn magic just like James" Jenny complained.
She looked over at Professor McGonagall pleadingly, hoping that the teacher might change her mind.

"I felt the same as you Jennifer, but I cannot ignore your parents wishes, as they are your guardians... But we have come to a compromise, you will be allowed to practice magic and study the different aspects of magic, but from the safety of your own home. This is not a decision that the ministry has taken lightly.
However, as the Potter mansion is large and out of the way of Muggles, you will be allowed to practice in your home and on the grounds outside. But not anywhere else, if you do use magic outside of the designated zones, then the Ministry may revoke its decision" explained McGonagall.
"So I will still get to learn magic?" Asked Jenny.
"Yes, as long as you only use it on the Potter property" replied McGonagall.

Jenny was happy at the prospect of learning to do magic, from her experienced parents, her father was a dueling and potions master after-all. But she was hurt that she was being denied from the one thing she wanted most, human connection.
She was always very lonely when James went back to school, and in less than a month, he would be back at Hogwarts and she would be on her own until Christmas.
"Well, I need to get back to Hogwarts to inform the headmaster of our decision. Good day Fleamont, Euphemia-" the professor was suddenly interrupted by laughing coming from outside the room.

They all turned around and stepped outside, to see what had caused the laughing.
James, Peter and Remus were laughing at Sirius who was sitting on the floor with his arms folded.
"Boys" said Fleamont sternly.
The three boys looked around and stopped laughing. They then began helping Sirius off the floor, when the saw James's parents and Professor McGonagall looking cross.
Jenny had to hold her hand over her mouth, to stop herself from laughing. No matter how bad she was feeling her brother and his friends, always knew how to cheer her up.

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