A shared sorrow

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"Well here we are" said James, once they arrived back at the Potter Manor.
"I'll just go and get your house elf" he continued.
"Mine?" Asked Jenny.
"Yes. She will take orders from everyone. But you will be her main mistress" replied James.
"How do you even get a house elf?"
"I bought her off Dumbledore. If you grow tired of her once you are 17, you can always give her back to him, and she will continue working at Hogwarts"
"I didn't even realise there were female house elves"
"Well of course there are. They have to breed somehow".
Jenny shuddered at the thought. James smiled at her discomfort and set off in the direction of the kitchen.

He returned a few moments later, followed by a small creature with pointy ears. This was the first house elf Jenny had ever seen and she was intrigued.
"Good to see you miss" it squeaked, making Jenny jump.
"Her name is Sady" James informed her.
"O.K. Well nice to meet you Sady" said Jenny politely.
Sady bowed her head.
"Just remember not to accidentally hand any clothes to her. Leave your washing in a pile and she will deal with it" instructed James.
"Sady will do it all miss. You won't need to worry about anything. Sady was just making lunch, may she go back and finish miss?" Asked Sady.
"Ermm. Yes, i suppose so" Jenny replied.
Sady bowed again and skipped off back to the kitchen.

"James I'm not sure how I feel about this. Slavery just doesn't feel right" admitted Jenny.
"I know. But the house elves are happy with their lives. They enjoy working and obeying. It's the only thing they know" James replied.
"It's sad really. But I guess I don't really have a choice. It's this, or get thrown into a care home for a year, right?"
"That was one of the Ministry's suggestions. But not a very popular one".
Jenny nodded, and set off towards her room, to unpack her case. It only had clothes and books in, so it didn't take long to unpack. Leaving Jenny free to think. Which wasn't something she wanted to do anymore.

They held the funeral for Fleamont and Euphemia a week later. Jenny's skin wasn't completely back to normal, but it wasn't bright green anymore.
She wore a black dress, with long sleeves, and a vale to cover her face, so that people didn't stare at her discoloured skin.
Of course this didn't really work, as a lot of people at the funeral had never seen her before, as she spent most of her time indoors. So they kept glancing her way, when they didn't think she was looking. But Jenny didn't socialise much, so she noticed everything.

The funeral was busy, as the Potters had been popular people, especially since they gained their fortune when they sold Sleakeezy's hair potion company.
The Marauders and Lily were there, of course, they stood directly behind James and Jenny during the service. There were also several teachers, and members of the Order there to pay their respects.
Jenny kept her composure throughout, refusing to shed a tear, or breakdown, even as they placed her parents into the ground. She would deal with her emotions in private, when no one could hear or see her cry.

A few weeks later, Jenny was aimlessly walking around the Manor, when she came across Sirius sitting in front of an empty fire grate in the sitting room. Jenny flicked her wand and a fire started, illuminating his face.
Jenny could see that he had been crying. She knew that he had been affected badly by her parents deaths, as they had been like a mother and father to him.
"I thought you were getting over it" said Jenny, taking a seat beside him.
"I don't think I'll ever get over their deaths Jenny" admitted Sirius quietly.
"I don't think any of us will ever forget them. But the time for tears has come and gone".
Sirius didn't say anything.
"What is it Padfoot?" Jenny questioned.

Sirius turned to face her.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to bring this up, not after you've just lost your parents" he stated.
"What's happened Sirius?" Asked Jenny.
"It's Regulus"
"Your brother. The one that..."
"The one that became a death eater, yeah him. The perfect son"
"What's happened to him?"
"He's dead. Mother sent me a letter informing me of his death. The first time she's ever written to me since I left"
Jenny took hold of his hands.
"Oh Sirius I'm so sorry".
"Why? It's one less death eater for the Order to worry about" replied Sirius coldly.
"So the Order didn't kill him?".

Sirius shook his head.
"I did some digging, and they say that he got too far in and wanted to leave. But Voldemort doesn't just let you walk away. I doubt he was important enough to be killed by him though, it was probably just another death eater that did it".
"He was your brother. It's right that you should grieve for him" reminded Jenny.
Sirius stood up suddenly.
"No. He did nothing to help me. He just stood there watching as mother threw me out and father hit me".
"No matter what they did. They are still your family, and you can't change that" replied Jenny.
"I can" Sirius said, as he knelt down on the floor, and took hold of Jenny's hand.
"You and James are my family. And Remus and Peter. You were all there for me when no one else was" he continued.
"I suppose we were" smiled Jenny.

A week later, Sirius turned up at the house once more, looking grim and holding a letter in his hands.
"Is that from your mum?" Jenny asked.
Sirius nodded.
"Yes. My father passed away a few days after Regulus. My wonderful mother has kindly informed me that I will not be welcome at their funerals" he revealed.
Jenny gasped.
"Can she do that?".
"Not really. But she's done it anyway" muttered Sirius.
"I think you should go Sirius. Honestly, forget what she said. They were your family, you should say goodbye, it will put your mind at ease"
"What about my mother?"
"Forget the b*tch".
Sirius laughed.
"I think I'm a bad influence on you".
"That's probably true" replied Jenny, smiling.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now