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James stared at his sister, eyes wide open.
"You what?" He asked.
"I want to become an Animagus, like you guys" replied Jenny.
James waved his hands in the air.
"Woh. Just stop for a minute. I just told you that my best friend is a werewolf. And that me and my friends are about to do something illegal and possibly very dangerous. And the first thing you say is that you want to be a part of it"
"I don't care that Remus is a werewolf. He is a good person and that is all that matters to me. But I am fed up with you all leaving me out all the time. You guys are the only friends I have, and if this it what it takes to become officially a part of the gang, then so be it. Besides, being an Animagus sounds pretty cool".

James placed his hands down onto the table and looked serious.
"Look Jen, it's not that I don't want you around, but look. Just look at all this work that me and the others have done. It's taken us a year to finally work out how to become an Animagus, and we are finally ready to start the process.
It is not going to be an easy process, but we are ready to risk it all, to help Remus. It is going to take a serious amount of physical, mental and magical ability to do this. And I don't think you can do it" admitted James.
"If Peter Pettigrew can do it, then so can I" snapped Jenny.
"Jenny, you have only been learning magic for a year. You are not ready for this"
"I don't care. I am good at magic, you've seen me. Anyway you have already done all the research, all I have to do is complete the transformation, right?".

"This isn't going to be just a quick transformation, it could take weeks before the process is complete. And I go back to Hogwarts on the 1st of January" James explained.
Jenny went quiet for a moment, thinking it through.
"Easter" she said.
"What?" Asked James.
"We start the transformation before Easter. Then when you come home for those 2 weeks in the Easter holidays, we will be ready to turn into our Animagus form then"
James sighed.
"I really can't change your mind about this can I?".
Jenny shook her head.

James looked behind her, apparently staring at an empty space in the room.
"Well, if it's O.K with you guys?" He asked.
Jenny turned around just in time to see Sirius, Remus and Peter become visible. Sirius smiled as he threw the invisibility cloak to James.
Jenny gasped.
"How long were you hiding there?" she enquired.
"Not long" replied Remus.
James chuckled.
"How did you know they were there?" Asked Jenny.
"Well I saw the door move slightly, and I heard a floorboard creak. I had lent the cloak to Sirius yesterday, so I guessed that they were all hiding under the cloak".

Jenny rolled her eyes and turned back to the others.
"You guys don't mind me becoming an Animagus with you, do you?" She asked nervously.
"Course not. I hated having to lie to you, but now you know the truth, you might as well join in with the fun" replied Sirius.
"I agree. I'm also glad that you don't hate me, because I'm a werewolf. Most people would treat me like a monster if they knew" admitted Remus.
Jenny went over to Remus and hugged him, "You are not a monster Remus. You are a wonderful person. And I'm glad that James told me the truth. Took him long enough".

Jenny looked over at Peter.
"Peter?" She quizzed.
"Well if you think you are powerful enough. Then I don't see why you shouldn't be one too" he answered.
"Well in that case, Jenny, welcome to the Marauders" said Sirius, ruffling Jenny's hair.
"The Marauders?" She asked.
"It's what we call ourselves" said James.
Jenny shook her head smiling.
"You guys are so weird" so teased.
Everyone else laughed with her.
"Yes, yes we are" replied James, making everyone laugh again, and begin enclosing Jenny into a tight group hug.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now