An engagement

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July 1978

Jenny was duelling with Remus in one of the large empty rooms in the Potter mansion, that had been emptied of all breakable objects. This was the room that Jenny did most of her spell work. She usually practised new spells with her parents, but when the Marauders weren't in school, she would practice with them.
She had just disarmed Remus, causing Sirius, Peter and her parents to applaud.
Of course Remus wasn't really trying to hurt her, it was just practice. Which she nearly always won, because none of the marauders wanted to risk hurting her.
Suddenly the doors at the end of the room burst open and James walked in, holding Lily's hand tightly, and smiling. Jenny placed her wand into her pocket and turned to face them.
"Listen up everyone, we have an announcement to make" said James.
Lily held up her left hand, revealing a beautiful diamond engagement ring.
"We're engaged" said Lily beaming.

Everyone in the room began cheering, and offering their congratulations to the happy couple.
"Sirius, will you be my best man?" Asked James.
"Did you even need to ask Prongs. Of course I will" answered Sirius, who hugged James and patted his back before releasing him.
Lily approached Jenny.
"Jenny, will you be my bridesmaid?" She asked.
Jenny nodded.
"If you are sure you want me, then I would love to" admitted Jenny.
"It will be a small service. You will be the only people there. As the more people at the wedding, the higher the risk of death eaters turning up" explained James.
"Of course son, we understand" said Fleamont.
"When will this wedding take place?" Asked Euphemia.
"We haven't settled on a date yet. But we were thinking end of August, or beginning or September. With the whole wizarding world at war, why wait" replied Lily.
Euphemia nodded.
"Very sensible" he agreed.

A few weeks later, Jenny was discussing wedding plans with James in his room, while Lily bought a wedding dress.
"James. Once you are both married. Will you live here, or at her house?" Jenny enquired.
James chuckled.
"Neither sweet sister. We will live together in our own house. We have already asked mother and father if we can live in the family cottage in Godrics Hollow" he answered.
"So you won't live here any more?"
"No. It's probably for the best Jenny. Now that i'm in the Order of the Phoenix, the people around me are likely to be in danger. And I need to keep you safe".
"Will you still come and visit?"
"Of course I will. Just because I'm getting married, that doesn't mean anything will change between us".

Jenny sighed.
"I know. I should be used to you going away by now. You used to do it all the time when you went back to Hogwarts. But this feels more definite, as the mansion won't be your home anymore" she said sadly.
"This place will always have a special place in my heart. It's where I grew up, and it's where you live" replied James.
"I guess that's true. I just wish we had more time togeth-" Jenny was interrupted by Lily's sudden entrance.
"Got the dress?" Asked James.
"Yes. But don't you go snooping around James. You are not allowed to see it until I am walking down the aisle" ordered Lily.
James laughed.
"As you command" he mocked.

"What were two talking about before I came in?" Asked Lily.
"James was just telling me that you are going to live in Godrics Hollow together" Jenny answered.
"Was he? Well James do you mind if I borrow your sister. I need her to try on the bridesmaid dress, to make sure it fits" Lily asked.
"Sure. Take all the time you need" replied James.
Lily took Jenny's hand and led her into a guest room, that Lily was keeping the dresses in.
Lily picked up a package covered in brown wrapping and handed in to Jenny.
"Well go on. Try it on. I'll be outside waiting. Call out if you need any help getting into it" said Lily as she walked out of the room.
Jenny took a deep breath and unwrapped the dress in her hands, smiling at its beauty and elegance. Lily really knew how to choose a good dress.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now