Baby Harry

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31st of July 1980

"Shouldn't she have had the baby by now?" Jenny asked Sirius.
Sirius shrugged.
All the Marauders, minus James, were sitting on the wall outside Godric's Hollow, waiting for Lily to give birth to her and James's child.
Jenny hopped down off the wall and began pacing up and down.
"You could've been in the birthing room if you wanted to" reminded Sirius.
"No thanks. I would've been extremely uncomfortable if I was in there now. Besides, it's James's child. Not mine" Jenny replied.
"I expect you're nervous Sirius" said Peter.
"No. What do I have to be nervous about. I'm going to be a great godfather" Sirius replied.
"I know you will be" commented Jenny.
"And you are going to a great aunt as well Jenny" added Remus.
"I hope so" said Jenny nervously.
"Remus is right Jen. Don't stress about it" replied Sirius.

Suddenly James came running out of the cottage, and the others hopped down of the wall.
"Well?" Asked Jenny.
"I have a son" announced James smiling.
Jenny ran up and hugged him. "Congratulations".
"Thanks Jenny".
"Yeah well done Prongs" said Sirius, patting him on the back.
"Thanks mate. Well do you want to come and meet my son, Harry James Potter?" suggested James, indicating back to the cottage.
Everyone nodded and followed James back inside.

Jenny was the first one to meet baby Harry. He was sleeping quietly in Lily's arms, when everyone entered the room. James went over and sat on the bed beside his wife and kissed her head.
"She did very well. And the baby seems completely healthy" said the healer, who had delivered the baby.
She said goodbye to everyone, and then left the room.
"Can I hold him?" Asked Jenny.
James looked at Lily, who nodded.
"Sure. Come sit down on the bed, and be very careful with him" insisted James as he took baby Harry from Lily, and passed him to Jenny.
"He is so cute" said Jenny, holding her nephew tightly.
She stroked his soft black hair, and kissed his forehead gently.

"Alright Jenny, don't hog him, we all want to have a hold. Pass me my godson" said Sirius.
He sat down next to Jenny, and she passed him over to Sirius.
"Me next" said Peter.
Lily laughed.
"Guys, my son is not a parcel".
"Sorry Lily" Jenny.
"Nevermind" Lily replied.
Jenny reached over and stroked the back of Harry's hand.
"He looks like you James" she noted.
James nodded.
"I agree. But he has his mothers green eyes. You'll see them once he's awake" he revealed.

"How will we know if he is a wizard?" Asked Jenny.
"When we are children we can't control our magic, so it just bursts out of us. Some children are more explosive when they are younger, than others. When Harry laughed earlier, golden sparks flew out of his hands. So I'm pretty sure he is a wizard" admitted James.
"That's good. I'm so happy for you James. I know that you both are going to be great parents".
"Thank you Jenny. We are quite young to be parents. But hopefully with you lot around we will have lots of help" replied Lily.
"You can count of us Lily" said Sirius as he passed Harry to Remus.
"Yeah. We will give you all the help you need" agreed Remus.
"Well that's good to hear" replied James.

Once every had had a hold, Harry got passed back to Jenny. He was now awake, but he wasn't crying. He seemed happy in her arms.
"I'll always protect you Harry" whispered Jenny.
Harry wrapped his hand around one of Jenny's fingers, and she smiled.
"Clever boy Harry. I'm your aunt Jenny, and I will keep you safe".
She handed Harry back to his parents and the rest of the marauders left the room, to give the happy couple some space.

"Do you want me to escort you home Jenny?" Asked Sirius.
Jenny shrugged.
"Sure if you want to. Remus was going to take me on a side-apparation. But you can take me if you want" she replied.
Sirius looked over at Remus.
"That alright Moony?" He asked.
"Yep. As long as one of us takes her, then she gets home safe, and that's what matters" Remus answered.
Once safely outside, Jenny gripped hold of Sirius's hand, and the two of them apparated back to the Potter Manor.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now